Please help...

I got the slap in the face I needed today for a couple of reasons.

1. A few of the residents I work with (elderly) told me that I need to lose weight, and that I don't look as good as I can.
2. I am 25 and it hurts my knees some to get out of chairs. That's a freaking problem.

I have problems with snacking and mindless/emotional eating.

I just need some support. People who my actually message me every now and then, too.

Please help! I can't keep going on like this.


  • vanginmi
    vanginmi Posts: 41
    Feel free to add me. My mom is elderly 88 - and sorry to say they can be rather rude sometimes! :) love her, but its like all filters are off! I log daily and have an open diary. Best of luck on the start of your loss! You've got this!

    That knee thing doesn't sound good. I would watch what kind of exercise you do...

    I just walk. And walk and then walk again...but it works for me!
  • cnhamilton12
    cnhamilton12 Posts: 45 Member
    My sister is pregnant and the other day my grandmother looked at me and said, "your starting to show now". Yeeeeeah they can kinda suck sometimes. Good luck with your journey!
  • sexymamadraeger
    sexymamadraeger Posts: 239 Member
    LOL. i agree about the "filters off". My 95 yr old grandma is downright rude sometimes. They're kind of like kids that way.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    Well sometimes those kind of statements turn out to be the wake up call. Mine came from my doctor who suggested I get a diabetes test. I thought what an insult. After all I wasn't considered obese aka 30 pounds overweight, my BMI was at the high range but not abnormal for my height.

    Then I watched a show called weight of the nation and learned you don't have to be obese to get this horrible disease you can be just a few pounds overweight and get it. I was 25 pounds overweight.

    I went back to my Jazzercise class, started watching how much I was eating, and took off about 18 pounds in 6 months. Then I hit a plateau that took about a year to get off if it. By joining MFP I finally realized how many calories I was consuming during the day, and finally the scale went in the right direction. I also bought a Jawbone UP that tracks calories burned during the day.

    And that's all weight loss is: calories consumed versus calories burned. If you're consistent about entering your food you'll do very well. You're young and you certainly don't want to carry this extra weight around with you the rest of your life. So make your life style change now. Be patient, stick to it, and you'll get to a much healthier happier you