Advice, please!

Hi, all...
I'm a beginner in lifting weights, I started last month and I recently I went a little overboard and tore my gastroc on my right leg (at least I think I did) doing the standing calf raise. I put 30lbs. on that thing and went to town thinking I could pull through and did 3 sets of 10. My mistake.

Anyway, my question is should I go to the gym tomorrow anyway and work on my arms? I can barely walk, but I don't want to be at home all day, I'll get bored, I hate that feeling.


  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    I doubt it is possible to actually "tear" the muscle with calf raises, so whatever happened, it is not this. If you are just sore, rest ofr a couple of days and see what happens. If you are in serious pain and suspect an injury, you need to go to the dr, injuries in these muscles/tendons can be very serious.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    While it's unlikely that you tore your calf muscle doing a few raises, maybe take tomorrow off and read up some good lifting plans for beginners so that instead of farting around doing some curls here and some raises there, you'll have a solid plan that will bring results? It will be easier to progress with confidence and reduced risk of injury.

    Recommended reading for tomorrow. Google Stronglifts (it's an Internet based lifting routine for beginners), and buy or borrow New Rules if Lifting (you can finish in one day).

    Recommended reading for next week. Starting Strength.