


  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    It's a red meat, like all pork products. "The other white meat" is a marketing campaign about pork's fat content, not a reflection of reality.

    Seriously, is there actually a definitive definition of "red meat" OR "white meat" such that you can really say? Wiki seems to indicate that there is not, but maybe this is one of those controversial topics for which wiki cannot be trusted.
    In gastronomy, red meat is darker-colored meat, as contrasted with white meat. The exact definition varies by time, place, and culture, but the meat from adult mammals such as cows, sheep, and horses is invariably considered red, while chicken and rabbit meat is invariably considered white. The meat of young mammals such as milk-fed veal calves, sheep, and pigs is traditionally considered white; while the meat of duck and goose is considered red. Game is sometimes put in a separate category altogether....


    The old determinant of the nutritional definition of the color of meat is the concentration of myoglobin. The white meat of chicken has under 0.05%; pork and veal have 0.1–0.3%; young beef has 0.4–1.0%; and old beef has 1.5–2.0%.

    In some cultures, eating red meat is considered a masculine activity

    Reminds me that one time I got into this weird discussion with a cab driver where he was arguing that pork makes men jealous and that one should not eat pork because who would want to be called a pig. He seemed to find my response that I'd also not like to be called a cow, chicken, or vegetable rather bizarre.

    Anyway, bacon, mmm. An occasional treat, but a nice one.
  • Limath
    Limath Posts: 89 Member
    I love bacon but when i don't have the calories left (but i want some) Turkey Bacon has really grown on me.

    You might like center cut pork bacon. It has comparable calories/fat to turkey bacon, but really tastes like bacon. Of course, it costs a lot more than regular bacon!
  • akh1981
    akh1981 Posts: 67 Member
    Who cares? It's bacon. Just eat it. And there is NO substitute for real bacon. Turkey bacon is nasty.

  • mstripes
    mstripes Posts: 151 Member
    I'll go one better, there is no substitute for bacon from a pig you have raised yourself.