Fat ex-smoker

Hi from the UK :)

I quit smoking a few months ago and gained over 4 stone, my BMI is 33 and I'm determined to lose weight-I have to as none of my clothes fit me anymore lol!

I started cutting crisps, biscuits, white bread, and counted calories, drank LOADS of water and have been doing Tiffany Rothe workouts on Youtube, and I've lost 4lbs already!!!

I've also bought Insanity DVD but think I'd die if i attempted it at the mo....

Just wanted to say hi and good luck to everyone on their weight loss journey :smile:


  • Becre8tive
    Becre8tive Posts: 108 Member
    Hi there!

    I quit smoking and I am battling menopause -talk about a double whammy :-)

    congrats on 4 pounds :-)

    You don't luck, just determination. You can read my profile and decide if you want to ad my as a friend. I am going to lose the weight until x-mas; I am changing my life not just my weight