Women doing Body Beast???

Hi folks.. just wondering if any women out there are doing, or have tried the body beast program? I am quite keen to try it out, but cant help but feel slightly intimidated by the whole lifting heavy thing... I would love to see any results pics from doing the program

PS, guys feel free to post before and after pics too... as us chicks love the eye candy!! lol


  • Dhemeyer
    Dhemeyer Posts: 157 Member
    I've done the program 1x and I'm starting again tomorrow (eek). I'm doing it with a bunch of others, who for the most part are Body Beast experts... so I'm going to either sink or swim... and I don't plan to sink :laugh:
    I hope you decided to take the plunge!
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    Yeah, lots of women do Body Beast and really love it. Get into it. You won't get bulky, just trim and toned. I just started the program today actually, and I'm so excited to pump it up. The last time I did it, I gained 6 lbs of muscle mass, although I ate too much and put on some body fat as well. I'm going to stay leaner this time and focus more on my nutrition. I've got a great example of a woman that did Body Beast, but I cannot figure out how to attach pics to these messages.

  • Dhemeyer
    Dhemeyer Posts: 157 Member
    Allan, any chance you're a part of the Year of the Beast group on FB?

    I'm with you on trying to stay leaner. I definite didn't cut enough when I did it so I was a bit "fluffier" than I would have liked. But it was a great program for me to start with since I was (and still am) a novice weight lifter :)
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I started it and quit after a week. I didn't find the program to be difficult or intimidating, the lifts are pretty standard. I'm not sure how heavy you are planning to go, since it is a hypertrophy program there are a lot of reps and sets, so you might find yourself wearing down more quickly than expected.

    The reason I quit was that I found the program to be a logistical nightmare. The workouts were just too long for my schedule, and I found myself yelling "ok, let's go already" while they were sitting around chit-chatting because I didn't need as long of a break between exercises.
  • meg_072
    meg_072 Posts: 3
    I just started it...feel free to add me! :)