Sayin hello =)

Hello everyone just wanted to introduce myself im new to this website and so excited to try it...i have always struggled with my weight i have always been over weight and always went up and down on my weight...i went through alot this year had a miscarriage and cancer cells and found out i have hypo so im at my heaviest right now..but i want a new start in my life im barley 20 yrs old and wanna live a long healthy life and im hoping to lose over 100lbs with this website =)


  • peachcrazedfreak
    Hi :) and welcome. I am really new myself, I just actually started. I am a 31 year old stay at home mom. I am great with diets for awhile anyways then I tend to slip and land up in the same rut with a candy bar in one hand saying I'll start tomorrow. I always swear it's not gonna happen again but it does. I thought maybe if I connected online and started a journal and caught up with others with the same goals it might get me a bit more motivated. So from this moment on i'm puttin down the junk and gonna try to get my booty in shape :)
    It's very nice to meet u and if u ever need to chat hit me up :)
    Wishing you well
  • CapeCodGal
    I'm working to lose over 100 too. It's great to have the support here!