Rihanna's body



  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    Do an image google search for Rihanna cellulitel and feast on the cottage cheese.

    Don't be a hater.
  • ChristineRoze
    ChristineRoze Posts: 212 Member
    I don't think celebrities are the best role models for weightloss

    not only do they have more resources for their goals such as personal trainers and personal chefs that probably make amazing healthy food, but the photos of them are photoshopped.

    I think real life success stories and photos are more motivating for me and the success stories on this website are all things i can do easily in my own life. :)
  • dysonspacz
    dysonspacz Posts: 76 Member
    She looks that way because she's a coke *kitten*.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    She does the strictly cardio and photoshop routine. Rihanna is young and looks good, but if you want to look like her, do cardio, and get a good photographer.

    Her personal trainer says she runs on a treadmill about 30 minutes 5 days a week.
    That's all? That doesn't sound too hard. It seems pretty doable

    Okay, but here's the thing: the reason that routine works for her is because of her age, genetics, metabolism, her current level of activity, her diet and a countless other number of factors. You have YOUR body and no one else's. That's why diet and exercise are so variable for different people. You may do really well on one type of diet and someone else may fail miserably. She is way young and is burning calories like a 20 something year old can. Can't do that when you're older. Your body changes, ain't no way around that.

    So what I'm saying is: 30 minutes 5 days a week might work for her, but don't expect that doing the same thing is going to yield you the same results.
    Rihanna and I are around the same age. I just liked her figure and thought I could achieve one like hers through the right diet and exercise. That's all. No need in putting me down like that. She's also almost 30 so she's not a teenager or anything

    In my previous reply to you, my intention was not to put you down, and I don't believe I did in my post, but I apologize if it was received that way.

    I'm simply stating that you have your body type with your particular genetic/health history and she has hers. You yourself have admitted that certain physical features you have, have been there since you were in your early teens. I believe that if you continue on this path of expecting to be able to have her identical body without having her identical genetics/lifestyle habits/etc, you are going to set yourself up for a whole lot of disappointment. I wish I could have Jessica Biel's body, but that just ain't happening, and you know what? That's okay.

    I have yet to see a single person here call you ugly or tell you that being slim or pretty is unattainable. In fact, I think most people are attempting to get you to celebrate your own beauty. Perhaps it may be time for you to re-evaluate what "slim, pretty and attractive" mean to you. If you're dead set on a single definition, and believe that is the ONLY way you can achieve happiness with your appearance, then I wish you luck.
  • LifeWithPie
    LifeWithPie Posts: 552 Member
    This can't be a real thread now, come on.

    I'm having a hard time believing the OP is 25.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    This can't be a real thread now, come on.

    I'm having a hard time believing the OP is 25.

    ^ THIS.
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    Got my Ray-Bans on and I'm feelin' hella cool tonight.
  • DJ7203
    DJ7203 Posts: 497 Member
    You kind of sound like a 12 year old girl trying to be someone who you are not. Lets step out of your fantasy world and realize that Rihanna's only job is to look good, when she is not singing. Be a better you, not a replica of a celebrity.
    Somebody I'm not? I feel that you are calling me ugly and saying its impossible for me to be slim and beautiful like Rihanna.

    Is this a joke? We don't even know what you look like.
  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member
    This has got so out of control... Maybe the OP is using Rihanna's body for inspiration and motivation, not to actually be her clone... She hasn't yet told us she's after a recording contract. There's no need to insult her further.

    In her first post she is just asking what kind of exercises Rihanna likely does, which isn't the craziest thing to ask. She has always written to "be like" not "to be" Rihanna. If you go to any of the motivation threads in the forum where people post pictures of their bodies, people ask them all the time what exercise and diet they have been doing. Would you call these people 12 years old for asking how someone got their body? Why is it so wrong that the OP wants to know about someone so famous?
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    The cellulite I have on my thighs is excessive. I'm 5'8, and 160lbs right now. They've been that way since I've hit puberty. They are flabby with lots of dimples all over. Why? I am not huge. if i were to get down to 130lbs will it at least reduce to where I can wear shorts and not feel ashamed?I know Rihanna has some cellulite but its not like mine.
    I don't know what to do about this. No amount of exercise will change and Im thinking id have to get really thin for it to disappear

    Unfortunately, cellulite is one of those things that we can't make go away. We can reduce the appearance of cellulite by building muscle and being fitter versions of ourselves, but it's always going to be there. I've been 150lbs, I've been 135 pounds and I've been 90lbs and I have always had some cellulite. It is what it is.

    Celebrities are photoshopped in almost every photo printed. Please, please, please don't look at those photos and think they are achievable. It's an exercise in futility.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    OP, one of my best friends is in fabulous shape, has low body fat, all that. But she still has cellulite. She's wasted a bit of money trying creams and other treatments but the changes were temporary at best (some had no effect). If she's super dedicated about her diet and training, that can help but it's tough to do long term.

    You can definitely lose some weight/body fat and train to tone your muscles and probably see some improvement. Just realize that it's possible/likely that you'll still have cellulite. Even Rihanna does, I'm sure.
  • tmj4477
    tmj4477 Posts: 145 Member
    Rihanna is young and very small framed I don't know what your body frame or age is. However, I look for inspiration through various celebrity figures who compliment my body structure, too so I understand your line of thinking. The best thing you can do is get a personal trainer, but in lieu of that a google search will help I found these links rather quickly.





  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Doesn't she do some crazy diets like maple syrup and cayenne? You want to be that skinny? You're going to be spending a lot of time and energy getting there and maintaining it. Hope you don't have other uses for that time and energy. Like a career, or education, family, friends, fun, how about changing the world for the better.

    It's one thing to get paid for how you look. I get that. Part of her appeal is her appearance. She makes money from looking the way she does (a commentary on the music industry). And there is nothing wrong with having big goals for the rest of us, either. But don't forget there is a trade off. For every minute we spend on our appearance, we lose a minute we could have used for something else. Is it worth it? Your decision.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    You kind of sound like a 12 year old girl trying to be someone who you are not. Lets step out of your fantasy world and realize that Rihanna's only job is to look good, when she is not singing. Be a better you, not a replica of a celebrity.
    Somebody I'm not? I feel that you are calling me ugly and saying its impossible for me to be slim and beautiful like Rihanna.

    There is no way you can be 25 like your profile claims. No one called you ugly. So sorry that you feel so bad about yourself that you can't hear what people are saying to you and want to be someone else. Hopefully some day you can learn to appreciate your own self.