Exercises for knee injuries


I have a knee injury that requires physiotherapy and I wanted to know what exercises I can do without being in agony whilst I exercise?

Have weak knee muscles which cause my kneecap to dislocate on occasions so been given some exercises such as squats to do but I need to shed body fat mainly and running etc kills my knee after 10 minutes.

Any advice or tips?


  • IGbnat24
    IGbnat24 Posts: 520 Member
    Biking, swimming, elliptical? If you're going to therapy, you PT can better advise you.
  • h7463
    h7463 Posts: 626 Member

    I have a knee injury that requires physiotherapy and I wanted to know what exercises I can do without being in agony whilst I exercise?

    Have weak knee muscles which cause my kneecap to dislocate on occasions so been given some exercises such as squats to do but I need to shed body fat mainly and running etc kills my knee after 10 minutes.

    Any advice or tips?

    Hey back!
    if you are allowed to run, and it hurts too much, why not try a brisk power walk instead. I'm not talking about some casual thing, though. It's gotta be a speed that would not allow you to chat with a walk buddy...you should be huffing and puffing.... There will be a set of sore quads and glutes in the process, too. I do this on occasion, with my heart rate monitor and the GPS on my phone turned on, and I managed a 4.9 mph speed before. Torched over 500 calories along with it.
    Other than that, I have found that yoga greatly increased my mobility in various joints, and also improved my balance. The body weight workout you can get out of power poses might help you strengthen your knees and legs without the danger of a 'mis-step' while running.
    Train safe and have fun!
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Talk to your physio about what's going to be safe and effective for you. Doing things against their advise will usually result in a longer healing process - a lesson I learnt the long and hard way