What exercise DVD should i combine with T25 ?

I attempted P90x last week and did not enjoy it at all. Well i just had a problem with the yoga. I got through it but just wanted to go to sleep. I did the 30ds last summer well got to level 3 and gave up tbh lol. I do not really want to do that again. I know T25 isn't enough to see results since i am 5'4' 120-130 lbs. Sooo can anyone suggest another that I should add to my daily workout schedule ?


  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Your height and weight have nothing to do with whether you will see results. Weight loss will come from a calorie deficit. Improved fitness will come from the intensity of your workouts and how dedicated you are to achieving your particular fitness goal. I'm not sure why you would think giving a workout your all for 25 min isn't going to get you results. That program has intense cardio and lots of bodyweight exercises which are no joke.