Need Some General Support

I have been using MFP for at least a year, if not longer, and last March I started doing DDP Yoga for exercise. I never lost weight but I was doing great and losing inches while gaining flexibility and more energy. However two weeks ago my appetite vanished and I was/am hardly ever hungry. When I was/am hungry it takes very little to fill me up. I would try to make myself eat at certain times like for lunch or snack or dinner but I would get really sick. I became very worried when I lost 2 pounds in a week of barely eating and not exercising (I was more tired from lack of intake) so I went to see my doctor. I told his nurse that I hadn't been exercising since I wasn't eating well and she agreed with me saying with my low intake adding exercise could do more harm then good.

I have had issues in the past with my GI tract including H. Pylori which led to IBS and I have a history of polyps (non cancerous) along with swallowing issues (I had my esophagus stretched 3 years ago due to constant choking)....along with a whole host of other medical problems. My doctor is testing me for H. Pylori again as well as a whole bunch of other things. He also gave me a diagnosis of dysphagia (literally translated it mean bad eating. But more commonly referred to as bad swallow) which I will need a scope done and possibly another throat stretch done.

My new restrictions
No Coke Zero or other soda products with caffeine.
Limited caffeine overall
No fatty meats
No artificial sweeteners (could give a false positive when I do the H. Pylori test in two weeks)
No heartburn if I get sick from food I can't take anything for it.

I never realized how much foods have sweeteners or caffeine in them! I have to read labels very carefully now. So I have currently adopted a processed free diet since 90% of those foods have additives I can't have now. I did eat pizza today but boy did I pay!! I have been eating fresh fruits, veggies, lean meats, and drinking lots of herbal tea. I have gone from 2 cans of cherry coke zero a day to nothing...what a hard transition!

I am trying so hard to stay positive but this is very discouraging because I love my exercise program and feel I will loose ground but I also don't want to stress my body out and burn muscle and not fat. It took me so long to not see food as the enemy but now I hate it with a passion! I hate how I am never hungry and when I do eat I get sick! I hate eating differently then my whole family due to new dietary restrictions! I just want to be that to much to ask for??

I am sorry about the rant but I am just so upset by all these events....I could really use some encouragement right now!


  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,426 Member
    It is disheartening to have medical problems, and I never know the right things to say, I hope new eating habits will help you and your doctor gets things straightened around for you.
    Good luck to you.