p90x3 VS Jillian Michaels Body Revolution

A question for anyone who has tried both. Which do you think is better? I already have body revolution but am tempted to try P90X3. I have made it part way through Body Revolution before and it is do-able but I kind of want to try P90X3 (a friend is a coach and she had amazing results) but am worried P90X3 would be impossible to do and not enjoyable. I like the idea of having the support of a coach etc though.

Any experience/advice from regular people (not beachbody coaches, no offense intended but your opinion might be biased ;-) ) ??


  • jalomm
    Hi! Im a regular person, not coach not anything. I happen to have both workouts, I knwo you asked this a while ago but I wanted to let you know that as you may already know both workouts are amazing!

    I like the workouts of Jillian, I really think she is really great, and Horton is too! I think it really depends on your style, since Tony is going to invite you to use heavier weights than Jillian, depending on your pesonal goals. Also, and I dont want to sound weird here, I think Jillian is more girl oriented, and Tony is more about boys. That´s just my personal opinion

    I think Tony´s program is more oriente to get into fitness world, because his workouts are really diverse, from yoga to intervals and weights. I think the main goal of this program is not to burn fat but to get in shape and in the best condition of your life, but after losing weight previously.

    The Jillian´s program, focused on circuits, wants to boost your metabolism to lose fat, that is the main goal of this workout, losing fat and get more condition to start a more complex workoput afterwards.

    So at the end it depends on your personal goals. I was doinf p90x3 (finished p90x) but I had to switch to Jillian because I went through neck surgery and my fitness level dropped heavily, so Im using BR to lose fat first and then I will grow muscle w tony. Hope this helps you!