Does not even help?

For the past two weeks or so, I have been walking on the treadmill. I have been walking 1 mile 4 times a week. On top of that I have also have been running a mile once a week. I am doing this because I really hate my lower body. I am aware this works more than just your lower body, but I am also doing it just to be healthier. I have also been watching what I eat and drinking only water.

People have been telling me it isn't going to help. That it will not give me smaller legs, thighs, and butt. It will only build muscle and make them bigger. So should I not be doing what I am doing? Will it not make me look slimmer? And what should I do to slim down my lower body?

It's really hard to be very motivated in something and then people tell you that your taking the wrong approach and then staying motivated after hearing that. So what should I do? Also even if this isn't the best way to slim my body down. (Assuming walking does work) will it still help? Cause this would be the best approaches for me.



  • kp1439
    kp1439 Posts: 343 Member
    I have also been watching what I eat and drinking only water. ...

    that will help you ... you can do this ... hang in there ... just keep doing it ... also check with your doctor and see what he/she suggests you to do. i have been using MFP for some times now ... this is also a very helpful tool. available for free... you can do this ...
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    Anyone who tells you exercise is not going to help you improve your body image is an idiot. You will not build any muscle walking or running a mile. And if you DO build muscle, it won't make you look fatter. In reality, you can only build muscle if you eat a lot and push yourself hard. You're more likely to build muscle doing weight training than you are cardio.

    Best advice I can give you is to take advice with a grain of salt. Lots of people who give fitness advice have absolutely no experience to back it up.
  • MarisaShickel
    MarisaShickel Posts: 31 Member
    1. It is impossible to spot reduce fat. Working out to only make your lower body smaller will set you up for disappointment. Fat comes off of the body equally so you can't work an area and expect to see results only there. The only way to lose fat and therefore weight is to eat at a calorie deficit. Watch what you eat and continue to exercise so you are in a deficit. You will lose weight this way and this is the only way to slim down your lower body.

    2. Walking and running a mile a few days a week won't cause you to increase muscle size. You might see an increase in tone, however.

    3. If you're up for it, adding weight training is a great way to get fit and lose weight. It makes your body a fat burning machine, even long after your workout is over. Lifting weights will not make you bulky and you won't look like a body builder. If you're worried about your lower body concentrate on your upper body (I hate saying that because the muscles in your legs are the largest muscles and working them is important, but as a big legged woman I understand your problem). Try body weight exercises like lunges and squats.

    Good luck!