Meal prep & food safety

I'm super interested in meal prep, but I'm curious about food safety. I know some people meal prep for 7 days straight. However, after research, chicken (my protein of choice) according to the FDA is only safe 3-4 days refrigerated when cooked. How do you guys do your meal prep? I'm actually new to eating meat, so I'm really afraid of getting food poisoning. Can anyone shed any light on this? What would you recommend and what do you do personally?

* by meal prep, I mean like those putting things in tupperware and eating them throughout the week, so you don't have to worry about cooking or what you are having during the week *


  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    I'll buy my chicken in bulk, and cook up what I know I can eat within a few days, and either store or freeze the rest. Lately I've just been buying enough to cover me for a few meals.

    My ex used to wash the chicken under cool water before cooking. If I'm cooking something like a breast, I'll also sometimes check the temp with my meat thermometer in the thickest part of the breast. If I'm cooking a cutlet, I'll watch it and slice it open a little to check for doneness. Generally speaking, as long as your meat is cooked to a safe temperature, and you wash your hands thoroughly during the process, the likelihood of food poisoning is very slim.