Nerd Fitness!

Hey all!
Well I know I can't be the only nerdy geek on MFP. And as long as that is the case, does any one want to do a 'real life RPG' with me? I stumbled upon this awesome website, and I have been motivated in a totally different way. One that's going to make this journey a game! Yes! So much easier to stay motivated when it's something fun!
Ok so first check out the link:

Want to play!?
Then add me as a friend!

Next, list your starting 'Race' and choose your profession. You may want to write down your starting stats.

Let's call level 50 the max out level :)
And call level 10 some one who is 50lbs over a healthy BMI, with a sedentary lifestyle (drive to work, sit at home, very little movement about the house)
Level 1-2 would be clinically obese with difficulty/pain when walking.

Here's my beggining:
Race: Half Elf
Profession of choice: Rogue
Current level: 20
Starting Stats:
Height - 5'8
Weight - 142 lbs
Fitness level - medium (3-4 workouts/week, low-med endurance/weight lifting capabilities)
Average Caloric intake 2000/day
Resistant to: candy
Weakness: Pastries/baked goods (wheat gives me stomach aches and nausea... but I stupidly eat it anyway cuz it's so good!)

My goal is to level up to level 40 by mid September :D 3 months. You don't have to match my time frame :)
Weightloss: 2lbs? - I mostly want to turn the flab into lean muscle!
Profession: a little something between the Assasin and Ranger, so ROGUE!
I want to level up in: Endurance, Weight lifting, Free running, and blade weapons (I'm taking sword fighting classes :D )
I will be wheat free for the rest of June!!! (Oh my!)

OK so who will join me in my quest? Let's have a 3 month goal, but do feel free to continue after. I'll see how things are when I get there and decide if I want to cruise on those capable, boss guy slaying stats, or continue running around the world to max out to level 50.