Working out in a Walking Boot

I had bunion surgery about two weeks ago and obviously haven't been working out. The thing is I'm going to be in a walking boot for 4-5 more weeks, after which I have to have the same surgery on the other foot and will again be in a walking boot for six or so weeks. I think the only way I'm going to be able to work out is through joining a gym, as I will not be able to resume my running habit until at least March.

So the question - anyone been there? I was non-weight bearing for the first week, which is past, but if you have been in a boot before, you know that there is NO ankle movement at all, obviously needs to be low impact, but still get something resembling results, or at least not gain back the 20 I've already lost.


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  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Talk to your doctor about doing weight bearing exercises before you do anything else. You don't want to make your situation worse.

    You can get some hand weights and do biceps, triceps, and shoulder exercise; sit ups, planks (you can do it using a chair instead of going to the floor), and sit ups. If you can join a gym, you can use their upper body machines.

    Resistance bands are also good to do isometric exercises. Pilates will work out the core without exerting weight in your feet. There also some DVDs for people with limited mobility.

    I had two shoulder surgeries and the PT was very intense and painful so I could not do any upper exercises until my shoulders were at least 50% rehabilitated. Walking was my only exercise, and I was not allowed to use the trademill for fear of falling. Not fun, so I feel for you.:cry:

    Good luck and I hope that you get back on your feet really soon.
  • watkinsc
    watkinsc Posts: 177 Member
    Yep, been there! Broke my ankle and was on crutchesat first and then in a walking boot for 6 weeks. There was no official working out during that time. But let me tell ya, manuevering around with that thing is a workout all by itself... Just keep doing what you do everyday. All the regular walking (at work, housework, shopping, etc) .. Don't let anyone say "let me get that for you" just keep doing for yourself. That alone is challenging!