can someone please explain in layman's terms. ...



  • midas1022
    midas1022 Posts: 151
    take your weight x8 and you will lose 1-2 pounds a week. don't forget to adjust your calories as you lose weight or you will stall.
  • Auna37
    Auna37 Posts: 708 Member
    The human body is a marvelous thing. Even if you are working out and eating the recommended doses after a while the body adapts. Because of the the weightloss may stop or slow. All you have to do is change up your routine a little bit. Keep your body guessing instead of allowing it to adjust to a new norm. But please do not go to only eating 700 calories a day. Even the 1000 calories scares me a bit. You could lose muscle and become lethargic because then you really are starving yourself. Which does help you lose weight but not in the right way. Also once you start eating properly again the weight comes right back. So just switch it up a bit and don't worry when you slow down or stop losing weight it just means you need to switch it up.
  • MsLaToya30
    MsLaToya30 Posts: 29
    I couldn't imagine only eating 700 a day. I just had 700 for lunch......

    Right ! I
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    take your weight x8 and you will lose 1-2 pounds a week. don't forget to adjust your calories as you lose weight or you will stall.

    This sounds like a gross oversimplification to me.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    take your weight x8 and you will lose 1-2 pounds a week. don't forget to adjust your calories as you lose weight or you will stall.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    take your weight x8 and you will lose 1-2 pounds a week. don't forget to adjust your calories as you lose weight or you will stall.

    This sounds like a gross oversimplification to me.

    That sounds hideous!

    So much more to consider than that

    That would see me on 1176 calories per day.... and my BMR is at 1510

    Do not use that method!
  • Stopin_da_yoyo
    Stopin_da_yoyo Posts: 138 Member
    Ok where to begin.

    What works for me may not for you. Before you start your program or whatever you want to call it you need some basic information. It sounds stupid but each person is different. Im going to use myself as an example. Im male 5'8" 262# and my BMR ( basalmetabolic rate....I remember as basic metabolic rate..much easier for me) Is a 2300kcal/day ( 2300 calories per day).

    Ask yourself a few questions and be honest...your only cheating yourself if your not.

    What type program/lifestyle change?
    Fast or steady weightloss? Steady will stay off ( or so ive still working on losing weight too).

    Meal replacements are exactly what it says. They are products like a meal replacement shake or bar ( not to be confused with energy bars....they have to say meal replacement). GNC has various products you may like to look at.