Looking for Friends to Loose 3-4 stone (42-56lbs)

Hi All,

I'm new to this, female, 5ft 7. I'm looking for friends around similar stats to mine for inspiration and support.

Start Weight: 15s 8lbs (218lbs)
Current Weight 14s 13lbs (209lbs)
Goal Weight: 11 stone (154lbs)

I'm targeting about 1500 cals per day on average, 1800 at weekends and 1200 Tuesday and Wednesdays.

I log every day.

Please add me!


  • SwellenArms
    Oh gosh hey! We're almost exactly the same - also female, also 5ft 7, also new to this, and similar weights and goals. How cool.
    My start weight was 219.4lb and I'm currently 215.6lb. I would also like to get to 150lbs eventually but am first working on getting to 170lbs.
    I will add you as a friend if I can figure out how!