question/help please?

My son has a walk a thon today from 845 to 1130am can't wait but am sure the pace will be slow do you think counting it as 2.5 mph would be accurate to count? Or do you think 2.0 mph? I'm not sure but I want to be as close to accurate as i can be. I'll use my stop watch for actual time and they are first graders if that helps at all.
Thank you!


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    record how long it takes you, find out the distance you covered, and then you can work out the speed you walked at...
  • verystarry
    verystarry Posts: 21
    Thank you, good idea. I feel like my fitbit doesn't record distance accurately and it's just literally walking around in the neighborhood so I'm not sure anyone will be able to give me a good distance measurement but I'll try my best with my fitbit. Thank you very much.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    If you have a smart phone, you can download an app called Endomondo, which will record your speed and distance.
  • markiend
    markiend Posts: 461 Member
    i use mapmywalk or web based to get as close as possible to correct time and distance travelled

    it can even sync the exercise to this account too
  • verystarry
    verystarry Posts: 21
    Thank you I will try those apps that's great I have an iphone I'm sure I can get them on my phone you've all been very helpful and I appreciate it so much. I'm just starting out so all this information is making things easier for me. Big hugs to you all. Thank you!