Getting back on!

janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
My name is Jan and I have been a member since 2012! Did well and lost 20, or so Lbs!
Since then I have been diagnosed with another autoimmune disorder - already had 2!
To cut a long story short (!), I have inflamed joints - currently elbows, one hip, one knee and both ankles and feet!
Pain that radiates down arm and leg muscles ....and fatigue...I can sleep for England and still feel tired!!

I have given up the gym and signed up for a swimming pool subscription .....currently just getting my heart rate up and listening to my sore body when it says STOP!

I have been very down ....diagnosed in February and have not concentrated on my diet as I should....I am reinvigorating my commitment to log my food daily, increase my fruit and fibre intake, keep hydrated and eat healthier.
To reduce the inflammation, I am taking large amounts of oral ( and Intramuscular) corticosteroids.....with all the good and horrible side effects. I get terrible heartburn......take lansoprasole and ranitidine to counteract that..... My appetite has increased and I have regained 10 lbs.

Can you help me stay on track with how to progress with my exercise......I do miss the gym and I'd got a good way through the C25K........and also with my diet..need filling, but dense food, that can help soothe this inflammation anticipation!