nothing's happening?

Ok, so this is my second round of doing this as i gained 4-5kg in 9-10 months after stopping due to lists of reasons/excuses. now i'm back on the horse and i'm trying to loose that then go for my goal.
As i've done this before and was successful at loosing finding it worked for me, i thought i'd stick to the same old.
over half way through my first week i lost almost a kg after a cheeky pre-weigh in and was pretty ecstatic! i then realised something i had been logging for food was higher than it was, so i corrected it and found i needed to eat less bread too thus kicking that emotional eating habit a bit
I changed this and despite keeping to my calorie goal, being on or less than 100 either side (i'm on 1,200 calls but please note i am only 4 ft 9"), i have gone back to my starting weight. it's been almost 2 weeks and nothing.
I've been doing daily workouts of HIIT (30DS, as it works for me) strength/toning workouts and walks/jogs, which go over my daily burn goal.
Not sure what i'm doing wrong, any advice please to start loosing again? i'm kind of loosing motivation at the moment, especially fighting some emotional battles- i need to keep going!
Thanks so much & Hope you're all having a good day :)


  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    If it has only been two weeks, and you're logging accurately, you just need to take more time. You're probably retaining water due to the increased exercise you're doing. If you are weighing in only once a week, it's also possible that this week's weight is unusually high for whatever reason; a daily weigh-in with a site like to calculate your trend will provide more useful feedback, as long as you don't obsess about the daily fluctuations.

    Keep at it, and come back in 2 more weeks if you still haven't lost anything.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    By the way, here's what the trend looks like (this is from John Walker, The Hacker's Diet online). This shows my weight last August:


    As you can see, my daily weight bounced around quite a lot. If I had weighed myself only once a week, I might have thought I was on a plateau, or even gaining, for part of the month:

    180.6 - Aug. 6
    181.2 - Aug. 13 (gain of 0.6)
    177.8 - Aug. 20 (loss of 3.4)
    178.8 - Aug. 20 (gain of 1.0)

    However, the daily graph shows that I was under my weighted average for 28 out of 31 days, indicating consistent weight loss. Note that there was a stretch from Aug. 20 to Aug. 24 where my weight went up every day; however, the trend reassured me that it was only fluctuation. (I was eating a little more than usual to prepare for a challenging bike ride on the 24th, but still below maintenance.)

    This calculator will help you figure out how long it will take for you to lose the weight you want and how many calories will get you there. Of course, eating less than 1200 a day is not healthy, so you can adjust the numbers and see how long it will take you.

    Since I'm in a healthy weight range already, I can only lose a maximum of 1 lb. a week while staying healthy, hydrated, and avoiding as much muscle loss as possible.

    Also, I have put the scale aside because it is quite discouraging as it cannot tell the difference between water loss/gain and fat loss/gain. Your best bet is to focus on your caloric intake and exercise rather than letting the scale tell you where you're at.

    Your mirror is a lot more honest about your fitness level than your scale. Best of luck to you! :)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Can you open your food diary? Do you use a food scale? But 2 weeks is definitely not enough time.
  • UNLESS19
    UNLESS19 Posts: 118
    thanks so much for the feedback and advice guys! Will take a look at everything you've mentioned and will look in a week or two to see if anything happens :)
    Thanks again!
  • GeordieGirl80s
    GeordieGirl80s Posts: 120 Member
    Definitely keep doing what you are doing and give it more time........................... maybe not weigh yourself for between 2 & 4 weeks while things get going.