Good morning

Good morning,

Been kind of off and on on myfitnesspal for some time now, am trying real hard to stay active with it this time. Looking to meet up with other like minded folks with same interests - basically being healthy :-) I just got hooked on the Reebok Spartan Races and am scheduled to complete the trifecta this month but want to continue and hope to be able to run a marathon by next year. I'm not unhealthy or anything of the like but compared to what I was like in my late teens its a far cry. I used to run, play soccer, box, etc... like an idiot I smoked for a long time, didn't eat healthy and stopped working out.

I'd like to stay on a healthy diet plan and exercise plan cause it just makes sense. I'm cutting carbs right now but without any real road map, my goal is to drop below 170# for the upcoming race to ease things up on my joints. At my heaviest I weighed 184# and am at 172# right now but could always use insight how to maintain a good diet plan, and good workouts. I'd like to find some pals to also run races, a marathon and maybe even a triathlon one day. My wife and I are both pretty intent on sticking to it.

Anyways that's me in a nutshell.
