
I just started juicing, any advice on good combinations and recipe tips? Anyone like it or not like it?


  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    Hi, there are quite a few threads in this forum about juicing. This is what I wrote in another thread:

    I have both a juicer and a blender. Frankly the juicer was a bit a waste of money, while without my blender I could not live!

    What really speaks against juicing is, you need tons of vegetable and fruits to make juice which is very costly. Secondly, you are missing all the fibre which is good for you and lastly, juices usually contain quite a bit of sugar, which comes to more than blending as you need to juice more fruits to get the same amount of fluid you would get with blending.

    The blender on the other hand lets me make smoothies that are not only healthy but also filling. I have just made myself my morning spinach smoothie, with 250g of spinach (I would NEVER eat that amount of spinach daily and you can hardly get any juice out of it, so not good for juicing), some vanilla almond milk (low sugar), some left over broccoli, flax seeds, chia seeds, 6 chunks of frozen pineapple, some protein powder and usually a cup of blueberries. This will make about 1.2L of smoothie which I can sip for the whole day without ever getting hungry.

    So for me, the blender wins in every respect. I have to say though...I have a top of the line blender which is not cheap! Good ones are Blendtec, Vitamix (both of which are expensive but worth every pennie) and then there is the nutri bullet (cheaper and great for smaller portions) which I used at some point.

    Best of luck
  • jenferwake
    jenferwake Posts: 47 Member
    Thank you for your advise on this, It will help me out!!! I will enjoy making smoothies now also!!! =)
  • fit_rox
    fit_rox Posts: 83
    I have juiced a couple of times, and used to work at a restaurant that had a juice bar.

    Popular combinations:

    Beet, Celery, Apple, Lemon.
    Carrot, Ginger, Apple.
    Kale, Apple, Lemon, Cucumber.
    Pineapple, Strawberry, Carrot.
  • crystalnichle
    crystalnichle Posts: 126 Member
    I love juicing.. my fav combo is apple/lemon/kale or spinach/ cucumber
    sometimes I also do apple/kale or spinach/carrot

    I've really had to play with the recipes to find what I prefer.. some say a whole lemon.. I think thats too much. just find what you like best!