Newbie looking for encouragement and to encourage others

Boaz73 Posts: 8 Member
Hi Guys,

I turned 40 last November and made a life changing decision that i must loose the weight and get off the sofa. At 17s 3lb i felt fat, looked fat and felt awful. I wasnt carrying the weight well and suffering from back and knee pains, feeling 60 rather than 40, i knew i had to do something.

I started by cutting the junk food and joined the local gym in December. A friend said to try the C25K app which gave me a starting point and a focus. It took me a little longer than the 7 weeks i was suppose to do it in but by the end of 10 weeks i had managed to jog for 30 full minutes - something ive never been able to do! i wasnt hitting the 5k in that time but have keep on with the tread mill.

I have added some strength training, swapped the tread mill for elliptical training as i was getting pains in my shins from running.

I have tried a few classes but backache makes some a struggle, especially if theres lots of jumping involved.

Food has been really hard to cut back on but im aiming for 1500cal per day and trying to burn 1500-2000 cal a week or more if i can.

I now weigh 14s 5lb. So i know something is working. I find it hard to stay motivated. Hard to know what apps to use - im using this one and mapmyrun at the moment and have been using sports tracker and fitocracy but dont seem to be happy with one single app.

Its also hard to know if i should be still working on dieting which i think is probably best or working to lean muscle mass. Id like to bulk up more but feel the cardio is really important mainly due to not doing much for years. I want to be able to chase after the kids and not feel worn out after a few minutes like i was.

It would be great to add some people that can help direct me and cool to have those starting the journey to encourage as we loose weight together.

I feel fat, but im really determined like never before to get fit, shed the weight and buff up somewhat. Come join me!



  • Valrotha
    Valrotha Posts: 294 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend. It's really helpful to make friends here and help each other out.

    One thing to keep in mind is that, although exercise IS important, the overwhelming majority of your focus should be on proper diet. Notice I said "proper" diet and not "a" diet. It's a long term learning experience for me, learning about nutrition and exercise, but it's worth it.

    Good luck in your journey!