I'm currently working out 5x/wk for 30 usually Biggest Loser Workout and "On Demand" videos. I personally don't enjoy working out but found if I workout from home for at least 30 minutes I can stay consistent. But I'm wondering if it's enough? Has anyone actually lost all their weight just doing 30 minutes a day and watching what they eat? I read some of the other member's workouts and I feel like I am coming short? Is there anyone out there in MFP that lost a good amount of weight just doing 30 minutes daily consistently???


  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    Calories in vs calories out.

    If you are consuming less calories than the amount of calories you burn per day, then YES, you should be able to lose weight.

    I don't exercise every day because some days are busy and I really don't have the time (working 7am -5pm and then volunteering until 7:30pm, or babysitting until 9-10pm after work). So on these days, I am just extra careful of what I put in my mouth because at the end of the day when my calories on MFP are still green, I know I have done well!
  • MrsSeaShell
    Weight loss is 80% diet and 20% workout, so if you do 30 mins for weight loss that is fine as long as you are dieting as well. Some may ask if weight loss is only 20% workout, why do I need it, and the answer is to tone and build muscle(which burns calories), now as you resting HR goes up you will need to up the intensity or length of cardio to continue desired results, but the biggest factor is dieting and it's all about what you put in your mouth vs. what your body can burn.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Exercise is great! It's really good that you are doing the work, but actually loosing weight is a function of eating, not so much exercise. Exercise helps (don't get me wrong, I'm a personal trainer, so I really do value exercise very highly). 80 % of weight loss will be about how you eat. And by that I don't just mean how much, but what kinds of foods you eat as well. A healthy body starts with the kinds of food you give it. Exercise keeps you healthy, but nutrition brings you there.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Diet is 80-90% of it. Consistant exercise is very important though, it affects everything including what you eat, your mood, etc..

    You're doing good, keep it up!
  • fitnwhole
    Thank you for the information. I think my diet is pretty good I try to eat a lot of "real" food but don't deprive myself of the occasional treats when I have a taste for it because it's a lifestyle, right?