Hotel stay w/teenagers. Suggestions for food please.

mjtbb Posts: 77 Member
I'll be taking my daughter and friends to an anime convention this weekend. We are staying at a probably 3 stars hotel, meaning it says it would have a microwave and a fridge but after reading reviews I'm very doubtful on the fridge. I'll be there from Fri to Sun and pretty much I'm on my own, except maybe a couple of group meals at the mall. Teenagers forget to eat when they are busy with all the activities. At least last year, I didn't see her all day, until dinner where I took her to the food court at the mall nearby.
I remember there is a Wawa across the street and I had their salad for lunch.
I'm trying to eat lower carb than normal but I'm not sure I know how to accomplish that this weekend. Last time I think I bought a small milk and had cereal in the AM or a bagel.( I wasn't dieting then) I don't like the white part of the egg unless scrambled so boiled eggs are out. All those breakfast items are always greasy and with lots of carbs. I'm stomped. Specially for snacks that I can eat while in the room since I'll probably be by myself most of the time and boredom might get me. I'm planning to walk around the convention but I'm handicap and still recuperating from a hip replacement this year so I can't be walking for too long.
I bought me those little cheese babybell and will get a big bottle of water so I can still drink my water but anything else I can think of is carb heavy or needs refrigeration. I have some protein bars but I rather eat real food.

Please give me suggestions so I can be prepared and not end up buying junk at Wawa which will be my primary source of food.



  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Search online for low carb food ideas and pack some of the foods that you enjoy into a back pack or cooler.
  • erinlikesfood
    erinlikesfood Posts: 22 Member
    Fruit - apples, bananas, pears, plums, etc.

    Nuts - almonds, walnuts, pistachios, pecans, peanuts, etc.

    If you have a microwave but no fridge - cans of soup or packs of instant oatmeal?

    Some sort of homemade, low-sugar oatmeal breakfast "cookies" (or bars)

    "Meals" are harder without a fridge or microwave, but even Wawa has salads.
  • fit_rox
    fit_rox Posts: 83
    -High protein, lower carbohydrate cereal (ie: Kashi GoLean)
    -Beef Jerky
    -Pack a cooler? Put in greek yogurt or deli meats which should last at least a day
    -Cans of tuna or tuna salad mix plus low carb wraps or bread
    -Trail mix
  • jcraig10
    jcraig10 Posts: 477 Member
    I second the cooler idea.

    Turkey sausage for breakfast.
  • mjtbb
    mjtbb Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks! I hadn't thought about a cooler. Space is premium in the car as I'm carrying 4 teenagers with suitcases full of costumes and wigs but I might be able to at least get one of those small ones with a few things like my cheese sticks for late at night. I have also forgotten about my weight control oatmeal packets, I don't need refrigeration for that and I can heat the water in the coffee maker if I don't have a microwave. If I can take care of breakfast, lunch with a salad from Wawa, plus Wawa sells fruit also if I eat it right away. It might be a little expensive but its only for 3 days and the hotel was cheap. Dinner will have to be food court grilled chicken as the kids will probably want to go there to get pizza. I'll manage.
