Getting back onto the horse

I'm back on the horse!! And what a big fall it was, oh I'm so exasperated at myself.
I'd gradually lost 13 kg, changed my lifestyle to include health eating, regular excersise, and planned my week to make meals and gym fit in the way I wanted them to.

And then... My adult son left home 18 months ago, and my daughter left 3 months ago. After my son left, I started the 'good' changes. But when my daughter also left, I was left home alone, with no-one to challenge me or inspire me. I didn't realise how much i depended on this until it was gone.

Over the past 3 months I've tried to be 'good', interspersed with long periods of eating whatever I wanted. Which included regular chocolate, chips, pizza, you name it. Well, 5 kg have piled back on, and after the hard work of losing 13kg, I could kick myself. Dammit!!

So here goes again. I will write - often! If anyone needs to read it, its me!! I will inspire myself and be accountable to myself. If anyone chooses to comment, of course that will help, but I don't know how that works so I won't depend on it. This is up to me, and to me alone. I've done it before, and I can do it again.