Shocked and ellated!

I did my usual 30 minutes on the "kick my butt" elliptical machine this morning. I always follow that up with about 10 minutes on the treadmill at an easy pace just to keep the muscles a little warm and to work out any kinks. This morning I set the treadmill for 11 minutes thinking I would walk 5, jog 1, walk 5. I walked the first 5 and sped it up for the 1 minute didn't hurt, I wasn't out of breath, I just kept going and going and going and ended up jogging the last 6 minutes of my time!!!! Never, ever, ever did I think that I would be here...NOW. I wanted to get to this place but I thought it would come after a 20 pound loss or even 30. But I am here, NOW.
Friday's workout will include much more treadmill time. I still opt for the elliptical because I can burn double the calories in half the time but I would like to run in 5ks and maybe even a 10k in the future so the jogging has to happen. I am so very, very, very encouraged by this!


  • PolkaDot88
    PolkaDot88 Posts: 71 Member
    You should be, that's great!! Congrats! :)
  • Bigpelly8
    Bigpelly8 Posts: 504 Member
    that's great news!! I love the calorie burn on the elliptical but sometimes it's good to hit the treadmill and change your pace!! Nice work!!
  • GeauxDonielle
    GeauxDonielle Posts: 145 Member
    getting my treadmill today- start tomorrow. i love do my cardio workouts (lower body workout and dancing with stars) but want to do the wogging-(walk/jog) lol. love reading posts they are such great encougement thanks yall! !!!!
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    Well done, you will get there.
  • sallyLunn
    Very nice. What a wonderful feeling.
  • alucard75
    alucard75 Posts: 207 Member
    very happy for you....congrats, now start pressing yourself a little hard, but not too much to fast
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    way to improve yourself & reach for the sky!!!...:wink:
  • HazelDiva1913
    HazelDiva1913 Posts: 194 Member
    Thats a wonderful feeling. Awesome job
  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member
    That is a glorious day!