Isn't that the true struggle? The ultimate goal that so many millions of people spend millions of dollars trying to attain?

It has always been a struggle for myself to be happy with me. I have realized that like any relationship, the relationship with yourself takes work. That is why I joined this site. I want to be healthy from the inside out, and reach my potential as a physical body because I am aware of it;s inherent link to my inner self... I know.. All this sound very cheesy.. However I grew up with a mom, who is a wonderful person and a wonderful mother in all other aspects, who would constantly bash herself for being "fat". (RIDICULOUS because she is an exceptionally beautiful woman, with an incredible figure, especially after having 4 children). Hearing her say this all the time has caused me to have a distorted image on myself as well. I find those same words coming out of my own mouth.

She has recently lost 20 lbs and is down to about 140 lbs and looks even more incredible. But she is still complaining about being too heavy, having excess skin, being fat.. Her words that are intended for her, cut into me as well. She is beautiful, and more fit than she has been since her 20s. She is smaller than I am despite our 25 year age difference, but she is still "fat". What does that make me?

I decided that telling her that shes beautiful and thin and healthy isn't working, getting angry at her and telling her how ridiculous she sounds is ineffective. I have to lead by example. I want to be healthy from the inside out, and start by loving myself for who I am right now, AT THE SAME TIME realizing that as great as I am, I can constantly improve.

The best way to start loving yourself is to make positive verbal statements. Never talk about how "fat" you are. (Especially in front of your daughters). Believe that you have the power to make a change in your life, but never forget to be grateful for what and who you are in the process.



  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story and thoughts. You right it's hard to except yourself especially when you are seeing differently than what others do. It shows me that how you act and what you say really affect your children.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Thank you! I needed to hear that today. This whole journey was to improve myself. I've been so wrapped up in the *#@!&* scales and them not moving that Ive had a lot of negative self-talk lately. I'm going to stop that today!
  • ladybugss
    ladybugss Posts: 135 Member
    Oh my goodness. You have know idea how much I needed to hear you today. I am struggling with this very thing. I want to be positive about myself but find myself bash me often. I know its a process but sometimes I just get lost. I am going to add you as a friend today. I need to hear your positive and inspiring words. Thank you for being the wonderful you that you are and have a great day. I know you and your words made mine.
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    hmm i love myself but i bash myself to work harder is that bad :/ idk like people always tell me im to hard on my self but im like if i dont admit im fat then how can i fix the problem idk
  • melliebee
    melliebee Posts: 187 Member
    Bashing yourself is a totally different thing than pushing yourself... You push yourself to work harder... I meant negative self talk by 'bashing'. Saying things like, "I am weak, I will never have the body I want, I will never be good enough, I'm ugly," etc.

    If people tell you that you are being hard on yourself, then you may be verbalizing negativity.
  • turbojanem
    LOVE this post. having a healthy lifestyle has to include body, mind and soul. when we get that into our heads and heart, then put feet to those thoughts, we will be healthy. (which IS different from skinny).

    cheering you on to a healthy lifestyle!
  • katygaga
    Thank you so much for your story :) it was really inspirational and I could really relate. Good luck on your journey. You realize your self worth and have such an admirable goal of making yourself happy, and improving that relationship with yourself that it really motivates me too as well. I am always here for motivation!