
Why is it that 100grams of beef of different cuts are so different one to the next, was looking at different cuts on MFP and they differ from 98cals p/100grams to 350cals p/100grams?

I understand there is the fat factor in the meat but should it really differ THAT much?


  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Yes. Some cuts are much much fattier than other cuts.
  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member
    Beef cuts do vary massively. Also be careful of the database as there are a lot of inaccurate entries. Go by the packet (if your meat is pre packed) or visit the USDA website and find the values, then find a similar entry in MFP
  • premiumchilenita
    premiumchilenita Posts: 600 Member
    Awesome. Thank you