M.E./CFS sufferer needing to lose weight

I was on here in 2011 when I lost 46 lbs, then I stopped because of hip pain, stopped exercising and now I've gain it all back! I was also diagnosed with M.E./CFS so for now exercise is out and I'm going to have to try this by diet alone! I so want my life back, I want to be fit and healthy, I miss the old me! It's going to be harder losing weight this time around as I can't exercise, so I'd appreciate some supportive friends to keep me on track.


  • gentlygently
    gentlygently Posts: 752 Member

    I also have Chronic Fatigue (and am slowly putting on weight, oops! Luckily not especially overweight to start off with.)

    There don't appear to be so many of us on MFP.

    I am really surprised you say excercise is out. Best practise treatment for CFS is actually 'graded excercise'. (And CBT based therapy, to eg support the 'living within your energy envelope', and I guess avoid depression.) very roughly say you can walk 10 yards, 100 yards or 1000 yards or 10 mins or whatever without stressing your body, you do this regukakry for 2 weeks, Then you increase by just 10%, and maintain for atleast 2 weeks. And then up by 10% etc. and if you have relapse you have to gently find your new base to start up from.

    Graded excercise helps your body gradually get fitter, and so more able to cope and more likely to overcome the CFS. I suggest you do some googling...(.eg NHS website, on best evidence support. )

    I swim. It used to be a struggle to walk to the pool. Nowadays I usually swim 1 K. And I am pretty fit. My CFS is still there, but getting better....slowly..... But I am still not job hunting yet (I lost my job thru the CFS), as I am not robust enough for this. But building up the excercise has helped in many ways.

    I don't do 'friends' - sorry. But I do wish you well.... If you put chronic fatigue and. ME in the search function some threads come up, and you might want to contact the people who posted directly?