Fuelband, Nike+, and MFP oh my!

I posted this most likely in the wrong forum, but is anyone using the Nike+ app for running or walking? I have the fuelband too and like to see how many steps/cals I burn in a day. You can do that with the Nike+ as well and it gives you a number to add to MFP for your calories burned. I need some buddies on here who aren't just trying to lose the weight, but are working on their fitness too ????.


  • GeordieGirl80s
    GeordieGirl80s Posts: 120 Member
    Hi, I'm working on my fitness level as well as losing weight but I'm using the FitBit One & Map My Fitness rather than the Nike+ app/Fuelband.
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    If you want a 100% honest opinion.... they are all ****. None of them will give you a 100% accuracy.

    Just use a cheap iPhone app like Endomondo or something.
  • I saw that the iPhone will track it too and automatically link with MFP, but wasn't sure if that was just for the 5c.
  • fatgmale
    fatgmale Posts: 1
    I also have a fuelband se and have been trying to achieve a link between that and endomondo or mfp. So far no luck. Looks like the fuelband is loosing support all round.
    Endomondo has been the software of choice for all other sporting activities as it also imports all workouts from my Garmin forerunner.
  • joanna_82
    joanna_82 Posts: 151 Member
    I used to use Nike+ then I bought a shiny Garmin watch. For running I use that, for walking I use mapmyrun on my phone as I don't wear my watch all the time.

    I am trying to up my activity and therefore my fitness as much as possible, by walking extra wherever I can, whether that be getting off the bus a few stops early or walking to the shops etc.

    Loving how much fitter I feel!
  • I have a Polar watch and HRM and I love it. I don't always keep my phone on me when playing sports or exercising so using just an app is a no-go.

    Unfortunately, Polar's web service doesn't sync outside its own ecosystem so I either manually enter the data from Polar flow once I'm done (not a big deal really) or, if I am just running/walking, I use Runmeter and then tweak the numbers from what I get from Polar as appropriate.