Nursing student?

This fall will be my final semester of nursing school! I don't blame nursing school for my weight gain. Although, this past semester, especially, I dealt with the stress by food (and alcohol). I am sure I'm not alone here.. :) I am really trying to use the summer to rejuvenate and to learn to deal with the stress in other ways!!! Depending on my clinical instructor, during our break, I would get pizza for lunch. If I had a stressful day at school, I would have a glass of wine when I get home. Ugh. I would say, "I'll just take it off this summer!" What a mistake! I'm now 31 and my metabolism isn't as fast as it used to be. Is anyone out there in the same situation?


  • MomToThreeRN
    Oh I am! I am in my summer semester right now and finish in May next year. Nursing school didn't help me put on all the weight, but it did help me gain 15LBS!!!! since last summer. Might not seem like much but I already had a plenty to lose already. I mean we are stuck in lecture or have our nose glued to our textbooks, so with the exception of clinical we are stuck on our butts for most of the day! No time for exercise, not much time for cooking, and by the time we get home our minds are so burned out that we don't even want to think about what to eat so convenience food becomes our best friend. And PIZZA is my weakness! :-( But I completely understand, and I know that it is now or never at this point! But the more time that passes and the more weight that creeps up the harder and harder it will get to change! I am here if you need a motivational buddy! I know I will need one!
  • stormbornkraken
    stormbornkraken Posts: 303 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS! One, I work at a college and I know how amazing nursing students are for surviving the rigors of the program! Kuddos to your platter or responsibilities! :drinker:

    Although not in nursing I am in the down hill coast (haha I wish!) of my masters program. I plan on graduating this winter and I want to cry and eat and consume copious amounts of alcohol. But instead I work 50+ hours, take care of my family and try to squeeze in workouts. Hard! Yes! But the exercise makes all the difference for stress reduction. Wise eating is tricky and when I am busy I MUST plan ahead or I eat out of availability and hunger. It is disgusting how high the calories are when you go out to eat. Grrr!

    No simple plan but do what you can to make healthy choices and don't drink your calories - except coffee, you may not survive without coffee! :laugh:

    Cheering for your success in the completion of the program (NCLEX!) and in your personal weight loss journey.
  • htg20
    htg20 Posts: 116 Member
    I'm a nurse. I celebrate one year July 15. I gained little weight in school but gained over 15lbs my first six months working. As a nurse you will be constantly barraged with doughnuts, cookies, other treats and the ease of cafeteria food. Stress and lack of time will aide you in eating unhealthy. Just in one week I have been offered doughnuts, candy bars, cookies and fruit slushies at work. I had to have the willpower to say no to all. It is tough but not impossible. Oh and a warning...night shift seems to eat more because they have more time and sometimes more stress from an irregular schedule.

    Let me follow this by saying I think nursing is a wonderful career choice and I love it! Congrats and just be aware!