Logging Restaurant Food



  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    New here so apologies if it's a faux pas to post in an old thread... but I have the same issue as the OP. I eat in restaurants a lot, and usually I'm eating food that I couldn't even begin to guess the ingredients or prep methods of. I'm talking about local bistros where the day's specials are written on a chalkboard, that sort of thing. Montreal's kind of a foodie city, so asking the waiter about ingredients or portion sizes would be rude and really, really awkward. Not to mention, no restaurants here publish nutritional information for their menus.

    In the past when I've tried to use MFP, restaurants have always been my downfall. It just got too cumbersome trying to make wild guesses to estimate what I ate, and I would get discouraged and quit, figuring the count wasn't anywhere near accurate anyway so why bother?

    This time I'd like to make it stick. So, are there any tips and tricks that people use when they're trying to estimate restaurant food?

    (I know I could just stay home and cook my own food all the time, but then I'd have to give up my entire social life, and that's not gonna happen.)