Motivation is needed BADLY

I started at 234 and down to 209 but then back to 212. I can't get motivation to go workout. After work I just want to pick up my son and go to my mom's (I am her caretaker b/c she is fighting cancer) and sit on the couch. I know I should get up in the morning before work and work out. I have a hard time getting up in the AM. I am having a friend and co-worker call me in the mornings to make sure I get up for work. Sad, I know.

The first of the year I found out that I have a sensitivity to gluten, yogurt, eggs, bakers yeast, etc. So a lot of the recipes I have found will have one or more of the these things in it. I miss having a smoothie with yogurt. I have recently found a vitamin that doesn't have the gluten, yeast, or eggs. I figured out that taking gluten out of your diet, removes B vitamins and causes you to be tired. I need help.



  • 1Cor1510
    1Cor1510 Posts: 413 Member
    I hate morning exercise too. Only after I started working out 20 mins each lunch hour for a few months did I get up the motivation to do morning exercise, now because I am used to it and really want to get it in. I feel so much better and have more energy.

    I can't help with the food issues, but I would suggest start somewhere with the exercise. Even if it's a 20 min walk on lunch. Just do it. Find the one thing and time that is the most logical, and the least "offensive" as far as exercise goes. When you make it a habit, the motivation really will come. You'll feel better, and you will want to keep doing it. Good luck!
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    It sounds like you're not really committed to change just yet.

    If morning workouts are not for you, then work out later in the day. If you have time to sit on the couch, you have time to work out.
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    You could try taking B Vitamins, I just search GNC quick, these gummy vitamins have both B-6 and B-12 and don't contain gluten, milk, eggs, etc. You can check the label yourself to make sure there's nothing else you can't have in them but they're like $10. Pretty reasonable.
  • LoneWolf_70
    LoneWolf_70 Posts: 1,151 Member
    you are GOING TO DIE if you dont get your azz in gear. Are you ready to let your son by motherless? You can sit and complain about food sensitivities or you can do SOMETHING
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    The thing with motivation is that it comes from within; no one can give it to you.

    If it were me, I'd work on the energy issues you're having before worrying about incorporating exercise into an already hectic schedule. It could be that you're low on B vitamins as you surmise, but it could also bea vitamin D or iron deficiency or a completely different issue. I'd highly suggest a consult with a medical professional. How much sleep are you actually getting each night? The fact that you need someone to make sure you get up suggests that it's not enough. Have you tried simply getting an extra hour of sleep every night?

    If you do have the energy, walking at lunch or on your short breaks is always a good idea. A co-worker and I use our two 15 minute breaks each morning and afternoon to do a lap around our building. Mon, Wed and Fri we take a 1.75 mile walk at lunch. Just that alone helps a lot.

    Also, try not to focus on the things you can't eat anymore. That's just depressing. Instead, try to find exciting new foods or recipes that you haven't tried yet and you CAN eat. Be adventurous. Try a new vegetable every week or try cooking the old standbys in new ways.
  • CariJean64
    CariJean64 Posts: 297 Member
    It sounds more like an emotional issue. Being a caretaker and watching someone you love fight cancer takes an emotional toll, which can then zap energy. Can you get an occasional night off to go out and do something fun with friends? Or find a support group... even an online one (here, maybe?) for people who are caretakers. I take care of a 101-year old man pretty much 24/7. Being online is my only social life other than when my family is home. It's HARD to stay motivated when you're overwhelmed with other things. It can be done, though. Give yourself a little grace and remember your reasons for beginning your weight loss process in the first place.
  • gsheppy
    gsheppy Posts: 283 Member
    everything will workout. its not easy but you can do it. you are a strong woman. take one day at a time. i am still having a hard time with working out in the am but i have started back to 15mins. i was getting way to tired. walk a lunch, bring your little guy to the park. while you are sitting on the couch, sit on the edge and do leg lifts or bring your butt up and down to work the back of your arms. have your son sit on your tummy while doing sit ups. my kids love to do that.

    you can do it. its just not gonna happen over night. the diet thing, see a nurtitionist for help. i love my, she is great.

    good luck kiddo.
  • gsheppy
    gsheppy Posts: 283 Member
    you are GOING TO DIE if you dont get your azz in gear. Are you ready to let your son by motherless? You can sit and complain about food sensitivities or you can do SOMETHING

    i don't think you are being fair. do you have kids to take care of? do you work full time and do everything that she as mom is doing?
  • JGonzo82
    JGonzo82 Posts: 167 Member
    Is there something you can do with your son - if he's young, put him in a stroller & walk/jog him? If he's older, go on walks together, play ball, throw a frisbee, swim, etc? There are exercise videos specially made for little kids that adults can do too (I've done a bunch of them with my little girl). Do any of the gyms near you offer child watch so that you can work out/swim/etc while someone else watches your son for a little while in a playgroup? I work full time (9 hrs/day) and am a single parent too (but thankfully do not have to be a caretaker for one of my parents; you've got a lot on your shoulders). 1st thing in the morning is difficult, but if you can make it work, I think it's easier to be consistent because there are no other conflicts at that time of day, at least for me personally.
  • sarainiowa
    sarainiowa Posts: 287 Member
    Think about ALL the reasons WHY you need to get to a healthy weight. Then get busy! Most of us work, have kids, homes and people to care for. When you completely commit, you will have the time! Figure out your WHY and then do what it takes!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    you are GOING TO DIE if you dont get your azz in gear. Are you ready to let your son by motherless? You can sit and complain about food sensitivities or you can do SOMETHING

    i don't think you are being fair. do you have kids to take care of? do you work full time and do everything that she as mom is doing?
    Sorry, but everyone has a life, regardless of being a mom or not. Excuses are excuses no matter what's behind them. There's always someone busier than you who MAKES time to work out.

    OP....I agree with the poster who said you aren't committed to change quite yet. You need to really want it to make it happen. Keep at it, and eventually the things you force yourself to do will become a habit.... You're to tired to get up in the morning because of your weight and lack of exercise....but that can change if you keep working on it, and you'll increase your energy level faster than you think!
  • JenniferIsLosingIt
    JenniferIsLosingIt Posts: 595 Member
    you are GOING TO DIE if you dont get your azz in gear. Are you ready to let your son by motherless? You can sit and complain about food sensitivities or you can do SOMETHING

    You hit the nail on the head mister! My motivation is tat next year I want to be able to ride a ride at Universal Studios or Disney with my teenagers! ANd at 389 that was not happening and it is heartbreaking telling your boys Momma cant ride the ride because she is too What ^ he said! Get busy living or get busy dying.
  • JenniferIsLosingIt
    JenniferIsLosingIt Posts: 595 Member
    It sounds more like an emotional issue. Being a caretaker and watching someone you love fight cancer takes an emotional toll, which can then zap energy. Can you get an occasional night off to go out and do something fun with friends? Or find a support group... even an online one (here, maybe?) for people who are caretakers. I take care of a 101-year old man pretty much 24/7. Being online is my only social life other than when my family is home. It's HARD to stay motivated when you're overwhelmed with other things. It can be done, though. Give yourself a little grace and remember your reasons for beginning your weight loss process in the first place.

    This^^ too!
  • Mariasuccess
    Mariasuccess Posts: 1 Member
    A few things that have helped me:

    1. Focus on 1 thing at a time and do it at 100% until it becomes a habit then you can add the other one. so start with eating well at 100% and just take a walk with your child, take them to the park or the mall.
    2. Write weekly and daily goals you want to accomplish on a board in plain sight.
    3. When you start working out, SCHEDULE your workouts, set your alarms, as if you are going to a dr appt. I normally pre-plan my weekly workouts on Sundays
    4. Do not ask yourself if you want to workout, its not an option.
    -take your clothes with you, change and go straight to work out before you get home
    - have your clothes ready so when you get home or get up you don't have to search for anything
    Remember does THIS action that i am doing right now going to help me towards my goal or take me two steps back?

    Good Luck!
  • anitamj47
    anitamj47 Posts: 3
    You sound overwhelmed by all that is going on in your life, so be kind to yourself. Try to get some fresh air if atball
    possible, its amazing how much betterbyou feel.
    I also like the idea of getting your little guy to sit on your tummy for sit ups!!!! Anything that gets you giggling sounds good
    to me. Good luck:wink:
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    It sounds like you're not really committed to change just yet.

    If morning workouts are not for you, then work out later in the day. If you have time to sit on the couch, you have time to work out.
    OH SO WRONG! If you are caretaker to a parent battling cancer... Really spending time with your parent is way more important... Hopefully, they recover and you have lots more time with them. (My Dad recovered from his 1st bout of lymphoma and had another 10 good years) But really what will you regret more an extra 3 lbs or time you could have spent with your Mom?

    Chill... Breath... Dealing with your Mom's sickness, your newly diagnosed food issues and your kid, are your priorities in this moment. You know how to lose weight... You'll get back on track.... If you need to take a break from losing and maintain for a while, don't beat yourself up. Focus on keeping healthy (you can't care for anyone else if you aren't healthy)... and not backsliding... Spend time with your Mom, nurture the relationship between you son and you Mom so he'll have memories...

    My Dad had a second bout of cancer, which he did not survive... The 2 year leading up to his death were pretty intense...
    but we had time together and time to say good-bye.
    Yes, as a caretaker you DO need to make time for yourself... You DO need a break...
    Maybe it's social,
    Maybe it's "me time" where you don't have to think about doing anything for anyone else...
    Maybe work out 1 or 2x a week can actually be a reward instead of chore... It's part of the day when you only have to think about you... For a while I took karate and on a bad day it was awful satisfying to throw punches, even if they only hit air. Or maybe yoga?

    I hope everyone is happy and healthy soon.:flowerforyou:
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    you are GOING TO DIE if you dont get your azz in gear. Are you ready to let your son by motherless? You can sit and complain about food sensitivities or you can do SOMETHING
    i don't think you are being fair. do you have kids to take care of? do you work full time and do everything that she as mom is doing?
    Sorry, but everyone has a life, regardless of being a mom or not. Excuses are excuses no matter what's behind them. There's always someone busier than you who MAKES time to work out.

    OP....I agree with the poster who said you aren't committed to change quite yet. You need to really want it to make it happen. Keep at it, and eventually the things you force yourself to do will become a habit.... You're to tired to get up in the morning because of your weight and lack of exercise....but that can change if you keep working on it, and you'll increase your energy level faster than you think!

    You've never had to deal with a seriously ill parent, have you?
  • aledba
    aledba Posts: 564 Member
    you are GOING TO DIE if you dont get your azz in gear. Are you ready to let your son by motherless? You can sit and complain about food sensitivities or you can do SOMETHING
    Sort of harsh but true. Your mother has cancer and this is very hard to go through. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    you are GOING TO DIE if you dont get your azz in gear. Are you ready to let your son by motherless? You can sit and complain about food sensitivities or you can do SOMETHING
    i don't think you are being fair. do you have kids to take care of? do you work full time and do everything that she as mom is doing?
    Sorry, but everyone has a life, regardless of being a mom or not. Excuses are excuses no matter what's behind them. There's always someone busier than you who MAKES time to work out.

    OP....I agree with the poster who said you aren't committed to change quite yet. You need to really want it to make it happen. Keep at it, and eventually the things you force yourself to do will become a habit.... You're to tired to get up in the morning because of your weight and lack of exercise....but that can change if you keep working on it, and you'll increase your energy level faster than you think!

    You've never had to deal with a seriously ill parent, have you?
    What is your point? In case you didn't know this...pretty much EVERYONE has stress, family pressures, obligations and issues they can use as an excuse. I've been through a lot in my life, and I used them to justify being overweight and inactive all the time, but in the end...its all just excuses and personal choices. We make time for what's important, and shouldn't taking care of yourself be the most important thing there is?

    The OP came her asking for help with motivation, and telling her that its OK to make excuses is NOT helpful :ohwell:
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice.
    -Wayne Dyer

    It's about moderation not deprivation. There are no good/bad foods, only bad eating habits. Do or do not, there is no try. You have to want it, you have to work for it, you have to realize that only you can do it.

    Read these:'re+new+here

    TL:DR the link right above this one then ->


    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal

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