Vol 2 attractiveness when single?



  • RadioGames
    RadioGames Posts: 24
    You don't need a guy to tell you you're beautiful!

    Don't compare your self to others, work out what you like best about yourself and make it rock.

    Wearing make-up shouldn't be something you feel you have to do to please a man - It should be about the colours you love, the mood your in be it funky, sophisticated, dark/dramatic etc. Make-up is just a visual expression of who want to be at that moment, its something you should do for yourself above all else. If you feel silly making the effort when you're not going anywhere special get an Instagram/FB account and share the results.

    If you don't find yourself going to the kind of events that you need to get dressed up for and you miss it just make your own opportunities, go to the theatre/gig/art opening and dress up as much as you want. Some people might love your style and others might hate it, just have the conviction to do your own thing (even if for you that means going makeup free).

    cashew thank you for your encouraging and kind words and that's a good idea of going to events like that, maybe i will get a dress one of these days although i would feel silly haha. sometimes i miss holding a guy's hand, sitting w him in the park but my weighti s not good so i am single
  • da_bears1008
    da_bears1008 Posts: 354
  • RadioGames
    RadioGames Posts: 24
    Anyone else who can relate?
    How do you feel attractive when single?
    Do you wish you had a partner who told you you were beautiful?