Got a bit off track, rededicating myself (please help)

Four years ago, a friend of mine asked me to be a bridesmaid at her wedding. I was thrilled, but not after I saw the beige strapless lace dress she chose for us to wear. At 184 lbs (and 5ft 3 1/2in), that wasn’t a good look for me, especially being fair skinned. It was the jolt I really needed. By the time the wedding rolled around three months later, I was down 30lbs. All told, I lost 55 lbs in about 7 months (without MFP), all by cutting out most of the sugar, carbs, and general crap I was eating, as well as adding exercise. You can see where I got in my profile picture. That was me at just about 129lbs.

I maintained pretty well for about two years, but the last two have been a little harder, and currently I'm back up 10-12 pounds (moving in with my chef boyfriend hasn't been the best thing for my waistline). It’s not only the scale difference though, but how my body feels, as my working out has fallen off as well. I’ve noticed that 139lbs can mean many different things on me, and if I’m not working out, it looks about as good as 150.

This spring, after trying on last summer’s clothes and recoiling in horror, I decided to rededicate myself to getting back to where I was. My goal is to get down to 125lbs, but really, I want to be toned and firm, like I haven’t been in my life.

Anyway, I’d love to find people who are in a similar situation to help keep me motivated. Maintaining can be difficult, and I let it get away from me a bit, but it’s not too late to reel it back in. Case in point: After eating strictly for two weeks, I've already lost a half inch off my waist and almost an inch off my stomach!


  • slimbettie
    slimbettie Posts: 686 Member
    All I can add is to not wait a day longer. Before you know it that 10 pounds turn to 20 turn to 30..... I read a story today of a lady who is 300lbs. She said she only noticed her weight gain 5lbs at a time. Well 5lbs times 30 is no joke!

    Eat at a small deficit and hit the gym. Good luck!
  • kamri2002
    kamri2002 Posts: 3
    I can totally relate to your story. About 4 years ago, I lost 70 pounds through hard-core exercising and healthy eating. I felt great! I maintained the loss for about 6 months. Then came a switch in careers....I went from working the nursing floor walking approx 3 miles a day to an 8-hour sit-down administration ast position. I have gained an average of 2-3 lbs each month since then. The scale crept up slowly and before you know it I am right back up to 244. I feel awful. My feet swell, I'm out of breath, and I am very self conscious around others. I have a beautiful closet full of clothes that don't fit. I am ready for a "lifestyle" change; not a diet. I want the decisions I make now to help me lead a longer, healthier, more active life. I am ready to rededicate myself to this change. In this fast-paced world it is very easy to get side tracked! Good luck
  • Wookinpanub
    Wookinpanub Posts: 635 Member
    Just try to get back into it and start slowly then ramp up to where you use to be. In 2005 I lost 25 lbs with a low calorie (hated it) diet and got down to a very fit 205 lbs. I am 6'3". Then over the years I tried a bunch of failed diets and exercise plans. I was like "even if I gain 10 lbs, I am still 15 less then where I was". Over time I gained a few lbs a year with bad habits and my clothes got tighter, had to move up a pants size and they got tighter. I have gained the 25 lbs back PLUS another 25 lbs. Sickening.

    I rededicated myself back in March and am kicking myself for letting myself get to 255.
  • LoneWolf_70
    LoneWolf_70 Posts: 1,151 Member
    i lost 105, then about 8 months ago went thru some deep medical and emotional stuff and ended up putting 30ish back on. Its the hardest doing twice, but ive cut 22 and will enver let it happen again. Keep fighting
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