Struggling with OHP!



  • fatfudgery
    fatfudgery Posts: 449 Member
    OP, you're getting a lot of advice about adding to or modifying the program. IGNORE THAT ADVICE. You're a novice barely pressing 90lbs, you really don't need to do anything but follow the program. Really work on improving and optimizing your form, follow the recommended deloading scheme and maybe microload if you absolutely have to (like, if you find yourself switching to 1x5 on press, but you're still squatting 5x5 without any problems, for instance.)

    I've been doing SL for a while and I've gone from pressing a 100lbs 5RM at the beginning, to hitting 145lbs for reps (3x5.) The program works. Don't f#(& with it.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    I only do the OHP to work on shoulder mobility otherwise I can press heavier with dumb bells.