Reintroducing myself here

I'm pretty sure I've already introduced myself here before, but I didn't stay long (I lack discipline). I really need to lose this weight so I can feel better in this body of mine, so I'm going to write down in this journal everyday even if I mess up. Just so I get into the habit of it and learn more about my eating habits.

Plus I really want to be able to wear a nice costume for's the little things really.

That's about it. I'm here to better myself and stop bad habits (I was overeating so much I made myself sick multiple times a week).

So good luck to everyone here! <3


  • Gizziemoto
    Gizziemoto Posts: 430 Member
    Good luck to you too. You can do it!
  • emmaalyssaa
    emmaalyssaa Posts: 35 Member
    Can someone please explain to me how do you post a new topic?
  • golf4g
    golf4g Posts: 58
    My hubby said just last week, "You are what you think about most often!" Well, I'm thinking about MFP now and how good it feels to be on track. It's slow for me because I'm lazy but it just works…….good luck…..