Need help setting a reasonable goal...

Okay, yes, it's true...I have never set a time-based weight loss goal. When I started out, my goal was to lose 104 lbs, going from 234 lbs to a final goal of 130 lbs. But I didn't put any time constraints on it. (Good thing because I was delayed by a car accident with a spinal injury and subsequent spinal surgery.)

At this point, I'm 167 lbs and have 37 to go to my goal. I want to set a time goal, but not sure how to go about it. The other day, I booked a cruise leaving on November 22. I would love to be at my final weight by then, but is that a reasonable goal? Does one set a goal that might not be attainable? Or do you set a goal that is most likely attainable and work toward that?

Is it reasonable to lose my last 37 lbs in the 23 weeks? Or am I better off shooting for losing just 27, which would put me *almost* at my goal weight by the cruise? (Just a note...while 130 lbs is my goal weight, I don't expect to live there. It's just a number I want to attain. I will be perfectly happy living between 130 and 140 after I get to that number.)


  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Those last lbs are the hardest. I'm struggling to lose my last 60lbs. But I'm sure if you set your mind to it and find what works for you, you can do it. I hate the whole goal setting thing though because if I don't meet it then I'm thinking I failed. The only goal I set was to lose a certain amt of weight and even that was/is negotiable. My opinion is don't set the goal but work toward it anyways, just as if you've set it.
  • IGbnat24
    IGbnat24 Posts: 520 Member
    I think it's reasonable to assume that you can achieve abody you're very happy with by November. As for the actual number, I wouldn't focus so much on it. Go by what you see in the mirror. The numbers will drop, but the mirror is a better gauge of where you stand. Good luck and keep up the good work!