Stomach Growling after eating a relatively large meal

I ate a medium sized baked chicken breast cut up with 3 cups of steamed spinach on the side. I was full but a hour later my stomach is growling. I tried to chew some gum but it won't help. I won't eat because it's pass 8pm. Is this normal? Does this happen to you? Should I just ignore it?


  • smn76237
    smn76237 Posts: 318 Member
    Why won't you eat past 8 p.m.?
  • Shutter_bug03
    Shutter_bug03 Posts: 35 Member
    Yes it does! Sometimes shortly after I eat I feel like im starving. Usually i try and drink some water and if it's really bad and I still have enough calories, eat something small. But if it's close to bedtime, I just try and go to sleep and ignore it.
  • teezygotdoe
    Why won't you eat past 8 p.m.?

    I don't want to sleep on my meal. I heard it's bad for you.
  • smn76237
    smn76237 Posts: 318 Member
    Why won't you eat past 8 p.m.?

    I don't want to sleep on my meal. I heard it's bad for you.
    Nope that's a myth, you can eat whenever you want. If you're hungry you're hungry, have a snack!
  • joansjourney
    joansjourney Posts: 110
    Are you low carb? Hunger might be a side effect due to lack of a balance meal, your body really does need them. If you try to stay way from carbs especially later in the evening (your body does take a bit longer to process them) then have a high protein snack to curb hunger.
  • kethry70
    kethry70 Posts: 404 Member
    No truth to meal timing or late meals being bad. If you're still hungry, eat! Have something with healthy fats and protein - both fats and protein help you feel full longer :smile:
  • teezygotdoe
    Are you low carb? Hunger might be a side effect due to lack of a balance meal, your body really does need them. If you try to stay way from carbs especially later in the evening (your body does take a bit longer to process them) then have a high protein snack to curb hunger.

    No I just count my calories and I pay attention to other things like sugar, sodium etc. but my main thing is calories.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    My stomach would be growling too with that little amount of food. Eat more.
  • abetterservant
    If your stomach is growling, I would vote for eat a snack with protein and fst in it. Some days your body is going to need more calories than average. Your body is the best guide to when and how much you should eat.
  • mrsdmiller74
    mrsdmiller74 Posts: 34 Member
    I just started but I have been on a couple of "cut backs" in my day, last night I had the same problem I ate a celery stick with peanut butter on eat with a 4 oz glass of water and that seemed to help.
  • tmaryam
    tmaryam Posts: 289 Member
    Eating past 8pm won't make you gain weight, that part is a myth, but if you lie down right after a meal, you may get heartburn/indigestion -- that is what can be bad for you. My stomach growls obnoxiously loud no matter what or when I eat. Not sure if it's because I have GERD (gastric reflux) or if it's from the Prilosec that I take for it. Either way, sometimes I just have to ignore it.