I want to drop #'s, he doesn't



  • MAbbate
    I was told my wiener looks bigger and sex was better. That's good enough for me!

    I couldn't help but laugh at this post. I guess whatever works is good, huh?
  • rmkorama
    rmkorama Posts: 232 Member
    Another way to get him involved with you is to find fun activities that you like to do together. Like bike riding, for example, or walking the dog, or just going out into the backyard and doing yard work. If it's something you like to do together, that'll get you both off of the couch.

    Along the same lines, see if there are any activities you don't currently do that you might like to try together as a bonding experience as much as anything else. Making it fun in some way will help both of you get and stay motivated.

    Example, the hubby wanted to do cross-country skiing for some reason. I don't know why he got this particular bug in his bonnet, but that doesn't matter so much. We bought some skis for both of us from Play It Again Sports a few years ago and we go together if we have an opportunity. Or he'll ski and I'll walk the dog if I'm not feeling up for it. Obviously that particular activity is only applicable during certain times of the year, but you get the idea. :)

    Good luck!
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I was told my wiener looks bigger and sex was better. That's good enough for me! :drinker:
    :noway: Wow, I can't believe you went there....
    Honesty is important.
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    well, for me, it's i want to drop #s, he doesn't need to and still wants me to bake yummy desserts for him and expects me to have the self-control not to eat them alongside of him...lol

    so what does it take - being true to myself. i am doing this diet for me and my own health, strength, and self-fulfillment - of course he benefits by it (eye candy!), but knowing i'm doing right for my body helps out a lot.

    gotta just keep tracking every thing and realize that some days it's ok to indulge (just not every day!!!)
  • HealthyEscape
    I was in your exact same position until a couple months ago. I was working so hard, but when my husband suggested we go out for late night hot dogs I just didn't have the will power to resist him. You know what finally did it? My husband went to the doctor's for a physical and found out that at 25, he's overweight (duh) and his cholesterol is high. Doctor told him to loose weight and lower his cholesterol or be prepared to face heart problems in the future. That was enough for him. Got him on MFP, got him suggesting walks everyday, and now we're both on our way to a healthier lifestyle.

    I don't know if your husband faces similar health concerns, but maybe a review of his present health would give him the motivation to join the fight. Other than that, stay strong, stay positive, and keep moving forward. Maybe suddenly being the husband of a super sexy wife will be motivation enough!

    In fact, he does have similar health issues (at 29yrs old). Obese, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, sleep apnea (he uses a machien to breath every night). He's on several pills for each of the above. He says "I want to get healthy" but then doesnt do anything about it. He'll go work out at the gym and then complain about something hurting and stop all together instead of modifying.

    I started a sticker calendar at home for the both of us. We still need to set up a reward schedule, but we'll see how it works. For every day that we work out, we get a sticker. It's competitive because the winner with the most stickers at the end of the month will get a special reward for the other person.

    I as well have a hard time saying no when he offers to guy us not-so-healthy dinners (like last nights chinese food). It was good until about an hour afterward when I felt sick and stuffed and disgusting. I promised myself last night that I will find my "no thank you" voice next time and eat my healthier dinner and let him fend for himself if he doesnt want a healthy meal.

    Thanks for your motivation!
  • HealthyEscape
    Thank you EVERYONE for you honest answers and imput. I know that it's up to me and me only and that I can only control myself. You're motivation has really gotten me going again and I feel ready to tackle this weight loss.

    Cheers to you all!
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    My husband needs to lose some weight too (because of a heart condition) but I can't get him to eat like me. It breaks my heart to know he needs to lose the weight and he pretty much keeps eating the same way and I CAN'T do it for him. I'm hoping he's seeing how supportive the people are on here for me and decides to jump on the wagon with me. I love MFP and with out everyone here my loss thus far would not have been possible.
  • SafariLara
    Just keep trying to be fit and healthy and eventually it'll catch on because he wont wanna be left out! just insist on having it your way. You can't force him to be healthy, but you can insist on him letting YOU be healthy