Weight loss after eating disorder

Wondering if anyone has experienced similar issues and looking for insight.

I suffered from anorexia for about a solid year and a half, and doubling up with diet pills that I knew were just awful. I'm certain I lost a LOT of muscle mass during that time. Four years later, I've gained all my weight back and have tried healthy dieting but my body just isn't responding. I don't know why? Could it be due to my lack of muscle? Should I be weight training? I'm so confused and conflicted. My body image is low and I feel myself reverting to my old ways.


  • fr053n
    fr053n Posts: 2,793 Member
    I'm pretty sure weight training will help you. Also, if you are afraid to look "bulky" with weight training, don't be, but if you'd rather not, and think you might revert back to eating disordered ways, you could try some High Intensity Interval training (HIIT) or Plyometrics. This will make you gain muscle (if you really have very little muscle), while still losing fat.
  • HAB389
    HAB389 Posts: 3
    Thanks for the info fr053n! I'll look into that.

    My current weight is 165 and I'm around 5'4. I could stand to lose about 30 pounds. Not in therapy, no.