emotional eater

whenever i am stressed out of bored I go for the food.... Most i do well then i just blow it due to stress or emotions. Then after i Eat i feel better for like 2 minutes and then full alot of Guilt about eating based off emotion. I have had to start being more healthy about my life , giving up soda and tryign to eat more salad , juicing to get mineral/ vitamins.... I had really high blood pressure which really scared me into dieting. I have an office job and its hard to get out and exercise...

And help ?


  • Serendipity0468
    Serendipity0468 Posts: 3 Member
    Dr Hyman's 10 day Detox -- it is AMAZING ... The book is so insightful as to why we use food as our drug.

    You can get the book and get online coaching from a professional master nutritionist if you want for like 20 bucks a month. Amazing program. I lost 15 pounds doing it and the coach told me about this site just so she could check my food intake and tweak it for my personal needs

    I did the program where we paid 99 dollars and got access to a group facebook page with live chats, live phone calls, with both a master nutriionist and a life coach -- it was amazing. It was in May, they are doing it again in September, but you can still find his web site and get some support -- also you can get the nutritional coaching for like 20 bucks a month, cheaper if you pay for 6 months or longer at a time. She is fabulous and I don't know what I would have done without her -- she actually told me about THIS site so she could get on and check to see what I was eating ...

    But they offer all sorts of help, have you eat foods that are specifically designed to bring out the natural sweetness and curb cravings as well as reset hormones, etc.

    I bought some extra dietary supplements as well, like something to aid digestion, also some really good probiotics - I am now faithful with fish oil and magnesium and all quality products, also vitamin D3 and my multi.

    Just letting you know, it worked!! I loved to stress eat, as I call it, and eating all this real, whole, healthy food -- I don't care about it anymore. I think I stress ate one piece of turkey jerky today and that was it and I've been doing this a month!! Just over a month.