How do you beat/satisfy those late night munchies?!



  • FitMelody4Life
    FitMelody4Life Posts: 106 Member
    I always end drink a casein protein shake before bed and I do it for a few reasons:

    1. It curbs my sweet tooth because I make it in the blender with ice and almond milk and it comes out thick and creamy like a milkshake
    2. The quantity fills me up between the powder, ice, and almond milk even though it’s only around 150 calories.
    3. Finally I make it the last meal of the day because casein is a slow digesting protein, it takes your body roughly 8 hours to break it down and process; so not only do I not go to bed hungry, I don't wake up ready to chew my own arm off.

    *Some casein powder can taste a little funny I have had the best success with Optimum Nutrition’s Cookie Dough flavor and Cyto Sport’s Cookies N’ Cream
  • Kel1677
    Kel1677 Posts: 76 Member
    My fave new bedtime snack is a brownie sundae and only 210 calories! I use a fiber one brownie, 6 tablespoons of frozen cool whip and 2 tablespoons of Hershey lite syrup! Sooo good
  • shrinkingshreya
    shrinkingshreya Posts: 118 Member
    Water & Willpower
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Save some kcals for the snack. Doesn't matter when you eat, just that you maintain a deficit for the week.

    This is my method.

    I set aside enough calories to have 100-150 calories worth of whatever my "guilty pleasure" treat is for the day (right now it's the rainbow or the sweet & sour filled Twizzlers), then I'll have a little snack before I go to bed and that seems to do the trick.
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    Save some kcals for the snack. Doesn't matter when you eat, just that you maintain a deficit for the week.

    This is the only person in this thread that gets it. Listen to her.
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    Plan your day, if you know you like having something later, budget it into your day. I like to have dessert every day, hasn't been an issue :)
    Structure your day so you have many calories left in the evening. I typically eat about 1/3 of my calories after 10 PM.

    Sorry, these guys get it too.
  • StephanieKidd83
    StephanieKidd83 Posts: 41 Member
    Plan your day, if you know you like having something later, budget it into your day. I like to have dessert every day, hasn't been an issue :)
    Structure your day so you have many calories left in the evening. I typically eat about 1/3 of my calories after 10 PM.

    Sorry, these guys get it too.

    And this works huh? cool! Ill budget my calories :)
  • myfrogs11
    myfrogs11 Posts: 53 Member
    I don't love breakfast but I LOVE dinner. I have coffee and maybe some cottage cheese in the AM, lots of water. Light lunch around 2, then work out for some extra calories and then basically get to eat whatever for dinner/late night eating. Love I have 1000 cals for dinner to use as I please and still keep an eye on total cals.
  • myfrogs11
    myfrogs11 Posts: 53 Member
    PS- I had coffee this morning, some chicken stir fry leftovers for "lunch" at 1 when I got home. 400 cal workout. A whole bottle of wine (yes not the best) spaghetti n meatballs, veggies n bread for dinner. I'm still at less than 1000 net.

    Edited- use fitbit for life and hrm for workouts.
  • Puffingmuffin
    Puffingmuffin Posts: 76 Member
    Count your calories and tell yourself you can't go over. Save some calories for the snacks. Not enough calories= no snack. Also I used to eat dessert every dinner time, it was a terrible habit. Desserts are a 'sometimes' food not an 'everyday' food. You need to beat the habit girl :)
  • KJEdwrds
    KJEdwrds Posts: 1
    Pickles are SOOO good! :smile:
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    When you discover the answer, let me know :p

    Aside from the obvious of mind over matter/will power/mental fortitude, which can be torturously difficult, I've heard of at least trying to snack healthy. Which for me, doesn't work. If I break down at night and head to the kitchen, it's like tunnel vision and all I want are the goodies.
    Me too! Drives me nuts...sometimes it is like I go into automatic self destruct mode!
  • BlazingBella
    BlazingBella Posts: 14 Member
    I try to plan a snack for the night when I know I'll want one and save cals for it. Recently, though I've fallen in love with tea, and that has helped me tremendously with all my snacking habits. If you like tea, there are all different flavors that help curb cravings. Add a little stevia or lemon to taste, and you can have a ton for no extra calories.
  • lizd1789
    lizd1789 Posts: 8 Member
    I eat delicious desserts every night!! I just get low calorie things. Like 90 calorie fiber one brownies, and then I put a bunch of 5 calorie whipped cream on it (5 calories is 2 tbl spoons so you can add a lot). It's like I'm having ice cream and brownies. Or I'll get skinny cow ice creams for 100 calories and put whipped cream on that. Just eat smarter in the day, and you will be able to still have desserts! Popcorn is also a big one. If you pop it yourself, I spray Pam cooking spray (I know it sounds weird, but Pam spray is 0 calories and it helps stuff stick to the popcorn without using butter) on the popcorn and then put the powders on too. The powders are only 5 calories a tspn or something like that. There are a million ways to eat what you want, without using a lot of calories!
  • JassiBear
    JassiBear Posts: 268 Member
    I think that instead of chips and salsa maybe you can scamble up some egg whites and eat them with salsa........ deeeeelicious!
  • JassiBear
    JassiBear Posts: 268 Member
    I eat delicious desserts every night!! I just get low calorie things. Like 90 calorie fiber one brownies, and then I put a bunch of 5 calorie whipped cream on it (5 calories is 2 tbl spoons so you can add a lot). It's like I'm having ice cream and brownies. Or I'll get skinny cow ice creams for 100 calories and put whipped cream on that. Just eat smarter in the day, and you will be able to still have desserts! Popcorn is also a big one. If you pop it yourself, I spray Pam cooking spray (I know it sounds weird, but Pam spray is 0 calories and it helps stuff stick to the popcorn without using butter) on the popcorn and then put the powders on too. The powders are only 5 calories a tspn or something like that. There are a million ways to eat what you want, without using a lot of calories!

    Amen...... i get to eat smore's cookies and potato chips and everything I want pretty much. Even pb&j which is one of my favs
  • haildodger
    haildodger Posts: 181 Member
    I had a tough time last night. I was very hungry, and didn't want to go over my daily calorie goal. And yes the weekly total is ultimately what matters, but I didn't want to steal calories from the next day. I usually balance out my days pretty evenly with my meals and snacks. I was craving a double quarter pounder with large fries so I looked it up on the database, and said F'that. lol It was a stupid amount of calories. I ended up staying up, and toughing it out until midnight and then having some raw veg, and it hit the spot just fine. I logged it under today's breakfast.

    Looking back now, I realize that I have my activity level set to sedentary because I'm on off from work for a week, but I was anything but sedentary yesterday. I was on my feet nearly all day even though I didn't work, and that's probably why I was so hungry. Realistically I could have had a small snack, and it would not have been as big of a deal as I had imagined it to be at the time. I toughed it out though, and today I'm feeling good again.
  • JassiBear
    JassiBear Posts: 268 Member
    I don't love breakfast but I LOVE dinner. I have coffee and maybe some cottage cheese in the AM, lots of water. Light lunch around 2, then work out for some extra calories and then basically get to eat whatever for dinner/late night eating. Love I have 1000 cals for dinner to use as I please and still keep an eye on total cals.

    You really need to eat more for breakfast....... even if that means sacrificing 1000 dinner calories...... that's probably too much anyway if you're just gonna be laying around the house after you eat. If you eat better in the morning, then you crave less at night. Cottage cheese is good because its high in protein but I would try to add a carb to that as well like some grits or some oatmeal or whole wheat toast. Coffee in the morning for me always makes my cravings so bad at night,,,,,, so I started drinking coffee in the late afternoon and even after dinner and I don't have night cravings anymore.
  • JassiBear
    JassiBear Posts: 268 Member
    I had a tough time last night. I was very hungry, and didn't want to go over my daily calorie goal. And yes the weekly total is ultimately what matters, but I didn't want to steal calories from the next day. I usually balance out my days pretty evenly with my meals and snacks. I was craving a double quarter pounder with large fries so I looked it up on the database, and said F'that. lol It was a stupid amount of calories. I ended up staying up, and toughing it out until midnight and then having some raw veg, and it hit the spot just fine. I logged it under today's breakfast.

    Looking back now, I realize that I have my activity level set to sedentary because I'm on off from work for a week, but I was anything but sedentary yesterday. I was on my feet nearly all day even though I didn't work, and that's probably why I was so hungry. Realistically I could have had a small snack, and it would not have been as big of a deal as I had imagined it to be at the time. I toughed it out though, and today I'm feeling good again.

    I always eat a can of vegetables, like green beans...... which are only 100-120 calories for the whole can and it fills up my stomach without hurting my goal too much. Also try those boullion cubes in some hot water and sip on some broth....... perhaps a 100 calorie soup-at-hand.... or munch on carrots or celery...but thats always my last resort. Eating a plate of spinach with some apple cider vinegar and a little olive oil is yummy too.