*LADIES* Working out making you a hormonal time bomb?



  • ginnyroxx
  • niknok28
    I became overly sensitive about the first week and a half that I began working out. It was no where near TOM. I'm the type of person who doesn't hold any thought or feeling back so there really wasn't anything different other than the exercise. I literally cried over dropping a piece of broccoli (uh, not like me at all) and then felt like ripping someones head off for no reason the next second. Increase in estrogen eh?! Hmm maybe that would explain it. Anyway it chilled out and I've felt fine ever since.

    I'm going to pick your post out bc it's the one i like best :laugh:

    i am in my first 2 weeks of working out.

    and to the other responders - i guess then i'll just keep doing what i'm doing and hope this week ends soon and the next months are better. they freakin' have to be.

    We can be crazy *****es together. Yeah, mine only happened when I first began exercising in general. Now I feel great when I work out no 'relapses' . You may be on to something with the hormone theory.
  • misty75
    I am so grateful for this post! I thought I was going crazy! I started dieting and working out about a month ago. I've only lost 9-10 pounds so far, which is frustrating in itself. Then all of the sudden this last week, I've been like super emotional and sensitive about anything and everything. It's starting to affect my marriage. I don't like it at all. Is there any tips on how to handle or fix it? I need help!
  • jessicayoung82
    jessicayoung82 Posts: 157 Member
    I have no idea why, but when I first started working out I was a mess. Everything seems to have leveled out now. When I start to feel that way, I just workout and just my frusrations out that way. But in the begining you could have thought I was nuts. Hang in there it will get better.
  • JennyJH
    JennyJH Posts: 189 Member
    I must admit this week I have been quite low & way over sensitive.

    It is the first TOM since starting the heavy working out and quitting smoking and I've put it down to that - change in diet, routine & lack of nicotine. Most months I might get a little low the day before I start, but I know what it is & just let it pass. This month, it started three days before and has lasted a week. I've been very tired which hasn't helped, I have huge work demands at the moment which always stress me out. Partner is being a git.

    It's all got a bit on top of me. My mood is starting to lift and the exercise does seem to help - I'm fine for at least the drive home after any exercise class!! I've cut down a bit though - the tiredness was certainly adding to my grouchiness.

    Hopefully next month will be better!!
  • Becs25
    Becs25 Posts: 79
    I think it is the stress of incorporating something new into your schedule. I have been moody but only because I stress about not getting it done or just the typical things of making sure my day and my family's day goes smoothly. I hope that once I am used to having it in my schedule, the stress of it will back off some.