I am using Fitness to Procrastinate, AHHH!!!!

So I am a full-time worker and full-time student. One of my comforts is to eat: Hi, My Name is Sarah and I'm a Food Addict. I have this awesome office job where all I do is sit on my butt all day and play candy crush and read through MFP Forums and do my actual job, in that order. So in preparation for all this diet stuff and working out and thinking about what I'm gonna do for dinner, and my bed, oh my sweet sweet bed, I am neglecting to read my text books for my assignments due for school. Hi My Name is Sarah and I'm also a Procrastinator. I want my health and weight to be a priority, but why do I let it get in the way of other things? I am seriously questioning how bad I want this 56 pounds gone because of my inability to work it in with the rest. I tend to procrastinate when I get overwhelmed and when there is down time at work, lately I really have been researching food, although I won't have a test on it in 2 weeks. I don't think I can stand myself if put losing this weight on the back burner any longer. What should I do?


  • Autumnfilly2005
    Autumnfilly2005 Posts: 232 Member
    On your downtime at work, make an excuse to get up, walk to the bathroom or water faucet, then you can safely continue procrastinating. Baby steps at a time. :-)
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Turn off your cellphone, stop playing "Candy crush" and go walk more when you have "down time" at work.

    If you want it bad enough, you will do it. If you don't, just know that you will only get bigger and bigger.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    You'll find over time that regular exercise will help with stress. Just gotta make time for it, like you do for anything else you really really want.

    I too have a desk job, but I walk on my breaks and on my lunch I use the gym in another building on campus. It's usually only 10-15 minutes, but it's better than doing nothing. Take the stairs, dance in your chair, stand up and do 10 jumping jacks every hour.

    I would suggest starting small. Stand up every hour (set your phone for a reminder) and do 5 squats and 10 jumping jacks. Every week, increase the number by a few. Make it a habit!
  • Beckilovespizza
    Beckilovespizza Posts: 334 Member
    I understand, I completely procrastinate too! I've started to make lists of things to do, I give myself timeframes with my lists and try to beat the timeframe. This works well for work and home life. It's quite motivating and rewarding when I have ticked everything off my to do list. Maybe try that? In my home life my lists for my days off include cleaning the house (each task individually timed), working out, seeing my friends and preparing meals. I seem to get way more done in one day and it makes me want to get up earlier so my tasks are completed, it also keeps me busy and away from munchie foods. Maybe a bit OCD but it works well for me and I'm sure I burn a lot more calories than I used to whilst sitting on my bum procrastinating all day! Give urself a kick up the *kitten*, it's mind over matter. With a new attitude u can do this weight loss! Good luck to u!