Support Needed!

Around 4 weeks ago, I weighed in and jotted down all of my measurements to find that I had lost 4 pounds in the last 2 weeks! That is by far the most I've ever lost in that period of time and told me that I really had a handle on my weight loss. However, after that I started to slip up.. I went to visit some of my family and neglected to exercise, being that I was away from home. I then took a 3 day break once I got back and then got sick, which put me off for another week. I ended up gaining back 3 pounds! :(

After exercising today, which I hadn't planned on after a long day of work, I feel like I have a handle on things again. It is just within reach! My goal is to make it down to 160 pounds for now, which I would love to reach by the end of August for the start of my next semester in college. But what I really need to reach this goal is some support! Limiting calorie intake and exercising 6 days a week is hard, so I need others to help me stay on track with my routine :)

It's easy to feel like giving up on it all the time, saying "Oh, I can get back on track tomorrow...or next week," and "There's always next summer." I'm so over that, and I know there are others like me who feel the same. So, I'd like to meet you! Add me please :) and we'll complete this journey together.