Newbie looking to gain weight.

Hello everyone, I have been trying to put on weight for a while but never really got very far, I recently started going to the gym to improve my overall health and fitness (which is currently pretty bad) and in theory put on a little muscle as well.

I joined my fitness pal to help me figure out how much I need to be eating etc in order to gain a little weight and more importantly not lose any at the gym.

I think my main issue is not eating enough while I am at work, because lunch/breaks are at set times I am not always hungry by the time it comes to eat and I am just eating something for the sake of it. Need some health high calorie snacks and easy/quick lunches since I rarely have time to prepare much before work.

I know a lot of people are here to help with weight loss so it would be great to hear from any people who are looking for gain. Also wanted to add a small rant and say I am so sick of seeing magazines with weight loss on the cover and every time I search online for something specifically related to gaining it is always weight loss that comes up. It is about time society realises that some people want/need help with the opposite and stop bombarding us with so much dieting stuff. (Rant over!)

Anyway glad I found this board :)


  • jason_adams
    jason_adams Posts: 187 Member
    Here's what I had the most success with.

    Take your target calories and break it into 6. (ie: 2400 / 6 = 400)
    Plan your day so you have 3 mails & 3 snacks (or variation totaling 6, each of the same calorie count.
    Make each a "complete meal", protein, fat & carbs, and make sure you're hitting your macros / calorie count by tracking.
    - Make healthy choices as you can for each meal.
    Eat every 1.5 to 2 hrs, hungry or not.
    Drink lots of water.

    This is NOT the only way of doing it. But it is ONE way, and it's not a terrible one. :O)
  • Just go into the message board you want to post in (e.g. gaining weight) and look for the green "new topic" button on the right and it will take you to where you can write out your post. Good Luck.

    Breaking up the calories/meals into 6 sounds like a good idea, I will look into it, thanks :)
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    A sandwich honestly does not have to take long to make. Get some decent quality, seeded bread and try some various combinations like peanut butter and mashed banana, houmous with shredded carrot and cottage cheese or soft cheese, avocado and chicken. Takes a few minutes literally. You could also invest in some decent protein bars, as some of those come in at around 300 calories or so...if you are really pushed. Hard boiled eggs... just boil a load, stick them in the fridge in their shells, and you can just grab them to go, and they are great dipped in humous or guacamole. I even dipped mine in peanut butter sometimes for an interesting combination.
    Nuts and seeds are very calorific and nutritious and easy to carry around. Not sure if you have a microwave at work, but you could take a baking potato with you and a can of tuna mayo and that would be quick and easy. If you are not hungry during breaks, are you allowed to eat at your desk or where you work ?

    Full fat yogurt is another option, most of those hit 190-200 calories and taste quite nice. If you like chocolate, then have some chocolate. Plenty of higher calorie, yet nutritious options around. If you eat meat, pack some chicken breasts, keep the skin on. I have a lunch box and sometimes make my own sandwiches, throw in some nuts and carrot sticks or cucumber and a banana or protein bar. You can also get pots of oatmeal that you just add water to, if you like that sort of thing. Alternatively, you could eat the majority of your calories in the evening, after work by ensuring you have a calorie dense dinner, with dessert, and a few calorie dense snacks during work.
  • Ms_Wire
    Ms_Wire Posts: 22
    Hello! I am also new and trying to gain weight *waves*.

    Totally agree with all of your rant. Also people saying "Well I wish I had your problem, haha!" - ARGH! NO.