Activity level as waitress

So I just started working at a cafe, I go there at 4pm and stay until it's closed( like midnight). Even though I'm there for that long, the cafe is not always busy, but I don't sit down much, I just stand still if I'm not doing anything else. I work 7 days a week, what do you think my activity level should be?


  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    I'd say at least moderately active.

    My highest calorie burn days (I use a BodyMedia Fit) haven't been on workout days, they've been days when I've hosted a party and was on my feet moving all day long. You don't have to kill yourself to burn calories, just keep moving.
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    Calculators are good for where to start with calorie ranges, but they make certain assumptions that may not be true for you. What I do and what I recommend to people is to eat at a calorie level that allows you to drop 1-2 lbs/week. This assumes an average calorie burn from you getting in all of your workouts. This will be different for everyone, so you'll have to do some trial and error to figure it out. I'd start ~1600 cal/day. Hit this goal, along with your macros and getting in your workouts, for a week. If you lose 1-2 lbs, you're good to go. If you lose too much, increase your intake and repeat. If you don't lose enough, reduce your intake a bit and repeat. After a few weeks, you'll figure out what works for you in your situation.
