5K Terror

dmsl977 Posts: 232 Member
Running (and I mean running, not walk/running) has been on my bucket list forever. I am NOT now, nor never have been a runner. Yesterday, I saw that there is a Color Vibe 5k near me on my birthday weekend in September. I took that as fate kicking me in the *kitten* to just do it. I went on Facebook last night and posted a status of who would join me for the race and make it a girls' weekend. Within minutes I had a few "I'm in" and a few more "I have to check my calendars but I want to's." Now I'm a bit terrified. I'm excited, but also don't want to look foolish. I'm looking for a few words of encouragement. Can I really do this? Have others went from no running to running a 5K in 12 weeks?


  • Paco4gsc
    Paco4gsc Posts: 119 Member
    It's absolutely possible. In fact, the Couch to 5K program is only 9 weeks. Just remember since you are a new runner and this will be your first 5K, the goal is just to finish. Don't worry about time or keeping up with anybody. Hopefully, one of your friends will be in a similar boat, and you can keep pace together.
  • TAMayorga
    TAMayorga Posts: 341 Member
    Yes, you can do it! Good luck, have fun, and congratulations on becoming a runner! :flowerforyou:
  • dmsl977
    dmsl977 Posts: 232 Member
    Thanks to you both! I'm just so nervous, yet excited at the same time. :tongue:
  • Cpollard6608
    Cpollard6608 Posts: 22 Member
    YES YES YES YES YES!!!! You absolutely can do this! I am living proof of this! I played football (offensive linemen) through high school and college and then progressively became morbidly obese at 315 pounds. I started with the C25k program about a year and a half ago with the intention of keeping up with my wife in a 2 mile race. Now, I had never actually ran a mile in my life prior to that, despite playing sports my whole life. Every time we had a conditioning test or had to run the mile I would just skip it or take the penalty and walk. However, I used the C25k program to help me become a runner and I say that today with true sincerity.

    So as the program started I thought there is NO WAY that I could run a whole sixty seconds!! Well, I did, and then I did it some more and then a bit more etc. I ran the two mile race with what I thought was an awesome time of 25:28, and then I became addicted. Since then, I have completed about a dozen 5ks, a 10 miler, and a half marathon! You absolutely can do this 5k and you will love every minute of it.

    Also, as the "fat kid" my whole life, I always made fun of the runners and laughed when they went out for their runs, but now I get it. I absolutely love it and it has changed my life in so many ways! If you need more insight and help, please feel free to add me and message me whenever! I wish you all the best!
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    I signed up for my first 5k months in advance. When it got closer I realized I'd stopped running very often, and was probably not as prepared for it as I should have been, and I weighed 250 pounds.

    The good news? It's only 3.1 miles.

    The goal is to finish, the satisfaction of being able to cross that finish line is empowering.

    I'm looking forward to my second, and pushing myself that much harder. No time to beat (I don't even remember what the first one was, I was so exhausted) but I'll know if I gave it my all or not.

    You can do it!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member

    I became a runner at the age of 43 - I used a c25k app on my phone and it worked great. Within 9 weeks, I was running for 30 minutes straight (and not dying!).

    A color run is a great first 5k race. You will not look foolish (well, no more than anyone else who is covered head-to-toe with color!) and you will have an absolute blast. There will be people of all ages, shapes and sizes, and running abilities at a color run (or any 5k race, in my experience), and it's always a blast!

    I used c25kFREE by Zen Labs on my iPhone. There are plenty of freebies out there, so check them out. Follow the plan - having a race on the horizon is a great motivator to stick with it.

    And have fun! I ran my first color run about two years ago, and the inside of my HRM watchband is still pink. :smile: It was great fun - and I didn't even run it with friends. Go for it - you will not regret it!
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    yes you can do it. esp since it's a color run I don't think anyone is going for time or steady pace. they are going to get sprayed with color dust. I'll be doing my first color 5K in Aug. I told myself I'll never do one but I won it in a contest so free is free. I'll try it out.
  • dmsl977
    dmsl977 Posts: 232 Member
    Thanks for the boost, guys. I wish there was a "like" button so I could like each individual response. I'm going to make this a good time no matter what, especially covered head to toe in color dust. lol :wink: